Milton Keynes-based retail giant Argos runs ad-hoc awaydays for employees, often incorporating team-building activities with the aim of promoting closer working between teams and departments.

At an awayday in December, organised in conjunction with events company Spy Games, a 35-strong team took part in an activity called Diamond Heist. Staff were asked to work together to plan and implement a robbery, deal with villains and security staff played by actors, and then carry out the fake robbery and getaway.

The day was designed to be fun, creative and collaborative, taking staff as far away from their daily work duties as possible, yet developing the key skills the company desires.

Maura Watson, business delivery manager at Argos, says: "The day included lots of variation. The raids, in particular, were great fun. Everyone got to take part and all activities suited all ages and abilities. Feedback from the team was excellent. Everyone enjoyed it and the team felt they all worked well together."

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