HR and payroll software provider Carval has launched a new payroll bureau service to deliver traditional or secure electronic payslips.
The service is aimed at employers that use Carval’s Unistaff HR software. In addition, employees in organisations that use Carval's Employee Self-Service Software will be able to access current and historic payslips, P60s and P11Ds.
All users of the new service will receive full management reports and will have an account manager available for guidance.
John Ovington, sales and support director of Carval, said: “For many businesses, the increasing burden of payroll legislation has become highly problematic.
“The payroll function is now far more than the deduction and payment of tax and national insurance.
“Recent legislative changes include: Contracted-out national insurance contributions (NIC) rebates, tax credit payments (disabled persons and working families), student loan deductions, and the European Commission’s Working Time Directive. Coupled with this, the risks of non-compliance are huge.
“With this in mind, it was clear a number of our clients would attach great value to an outsourced service linked to their integrated Carval HR and payroll solutions.
“By utilising this service, the costs and resource requirements of running the payroll operation are tightly controlled and there is no need to use valuable resources delivering training for internal staff to keep them abreast of legislative changes.”
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