CA Technologies is rolling out its global wellness programme to Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal and Israel in its continued efforts to boost engagement and morale, while controlling healthcare costs.

Since launching the programme in the UK, CA has seen its private medical insurance claims fall, resulting in a saving of £37,500.

The programme, Balance Your Life, was developed in the US. It was established in the UK in 2009 and in France and Italy this year.

Susan Craig, benefits specialist for EMEA at CA, said: “Some of the programme is targeted around controlling healthcare costs longer term. It is really to educate and inform people better in how to manage their own health.”

Some elements of the global scheme, including health checks, stress management, massage and nutritional advice, will be the same as in the UK, but other elements will be tailored to specific health needs. Craig said: “In Italy, we had quite a high proportion of smokers which is why we have done a lung disease prevention programme.

“In Israel, we have a slightly younger population. We are doing some bits and pieces around physical activity, and are looking into onsite pilates."

Read more about global wellness programmes