The government will continue to press ahead with its pensions agenda from where it last left off, and the Employee Benefits Post-Election Special briefing will help HR and benefits professionals to anticipate the forthcoming likely changes, according to expert panellist Tim Middleton, technical lead at the Pensions Management Institute.


The half-day Post-Election Special event for HR and benefits professionals, which takes place 15 June at 30 Euston Square, will cover the possible pension policy changes during a panel debate.

Middleton believes the government will potentially alter policy to identify ways of restricting tax relief on pension contributions, as well as possibly continuing with reforms to public sector pensions.

Middleton said: “The government will no longer have tensions that existed before by having a Liberal Democrat agenda coming out of the Department for Work and Pensions.

“The event will help to anticipate the changes that are likely to happen over the next five years and it is important for delegates to understand what the political priorities are and how it will impact pensions policy going forward.”

He suggests that there will be a pensions culture that will be more openly libertarian under the Conservative government, with an emphasis on individualism.

“I think we will also see Isa’s [individual savings accounts] merging into pensions with a drift from having a pension but to more of a retirement savings with great tax efficiencies,” said Middleton.

”This event is the perfect opportunity to get informed commentary on how employee benefits and pensions, in particular, are likely to affect them and their organisation under the current Parliament.”

The Employee Benefits Post-Election Special event will cover everything employers need to know now about the impact of the election and the new government’s policies on benefits.

See more information and register to attend here.