Many of us are struggling to adjust to the ‘new normal’ during these challenging times. We must remember to be kind to ourselves and others, research shows that helping others is good for our mental health, reduces stress and improves our overall wellbeing.

It is vital to remember that kindness breeds kindness, research suggests that showing love and being kind is contagious and creates a ripple effect of happiness. Kindness can make us feel more positive in the workplace and at home, and part of a community, in these strange unprecedented times it seems that kindness is now needed more than ever. There are many simple and easy acts you can do every day to pay it forward and give back in 2021.

“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.”

So for Random Acts of Kindness Day why not spread the love and show someone you care, we’ve put together a list of 10 random ways you can show kindness and pay it forward during COVID-19.

  1. Send a text

It is as easy as it sounds! Check-in with friends, family and colleagues, send someone a text just to remind them that you are thinking of them, compliment them or mention you are always there if they need a chat, these are brilliant simple ways to make someone feel valued and happy.

  1. Leave someone a positive note

Write down a kind note for someone to find, it takes 2 minutes to jot down a positive message on a note and it will likely make someone’s day! A simple ‘You’re doing great’ is a fantastic way to put a smile on someone’s face.

  1. Send someone an E-cardWould you appreciate someone saying thank you for your hard work? A quick and easy way to spread the love and show kindness is by sending someone an E-card! Ecards are a great way to show appreciation, and let an employee or colleague know their efforts are being recognised. Workplace rewards have never been more important. 50% of employees say a simple ‘thank you’ would make them feel more valued so why not show kindness by sending an E-card today? Sending an E-card with EachPersons company rewards and recognition scheme offers employees and employers a unique and simple way to show appreciation in just a few clicks, so what are you waiting for? Spread some love today!

To learn more about how how to recognise, appreciate and reward those who deserve it, head over to

  1. Send someone a letter

What better way to pay it forward and show someone you’re thinking of them by writing them a letter, there is always something about a handwritten note that just feels more meaningful than an email or social media message. Writing a letter is a perfect personal gesture that can be kept forever, so why not show some kindness the old fashioned way and get your pen to paper!

  1. Make someone you live with dinner

A simple way to show someone you care is by cooking up a lovely meal for them, you don’t have to be amazing at cooking to whip up a thoughtful meal, bust out your favourite recipe or look online and try something new! It is a great way to show kindness and make someone feel special.

  1. Arrange a virtual catch up with someone you know

Make someone feel special by arranging a virtual catch up, this is a great way to show those closest to you just how much you appreciate them. Take time out to find out how the other person is, reminisce on the times you’ve had together and remind them how you can’t wait to catch up post-COVID. It is bound to put a smile on both of your faces!

  1. Share some positive stories on kindness on social media

It is easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom of the pandemic right now, a lot of people may be feeling anxious when switching on the news and a lot of us have stopped tuning in all together. Why not spread some kindness and pay it forward by posting an uplifting positive story? Show some love by sharing an article that made you smile, you never know who might need it!

  1. Offer to help a vulnerable person

Lockdown measures are especially challenging for the vulnerable. Statistics show that at least 3.3 million people aged 70 years and over live alone and many need regular support. There are various ways you can do your bit to help vulnerable people in your community. Volunteering for an organisation that supports elderly and vulnerable people is a key way of helping a lonely or socially isolated vulnerable person, a simple friendly chat or phone call can make all the difference too. Show kindness and get involved and pay it forward if you can, it’s likely it will give you a sense of purpose too, so why not?

  1. Be more Present

We are all at home a lot more than we usually would be and we may be thinking we have already spent enough time with those we live with, however with social media, TV and work it can be easy to get distracted and not be present. Take time away from your screens and give your full attention to those you care about, pay it forward and try a fun activity together like baking or go for a nice walk. Focus on spending more quality time together, taking time out to listen to someone or do something they enjoy is a simple and easy act of kindness.

  1. Look after yourself

Lastly, as important as it is to look after other people, it’s equally important to make sure you look after yourself too. Make space for some ‘you time’ practise some self-care, do something that makes you happy, many of us often forget about ourselves, read your favourite book, have a relaxing bubble bath, put in your favourite hair mask. Whatever it is, make sure you show kindness to yourself, we all need it.