At a time when many parts of the media industry are experiencing intense scrutiny, journalists could be forgiven for throwing in the towel.

Journalists at Trinity Mirror, however, will have no towels left to throw after the organisation announced it is cutting back on gym perks in its Canary Wharf offices due to tough trading conditions.

An email regarding changes to the gym facility was sent to staff this week. It explained that from the beginning of August the gym will be run as a unmanned facility, only accessible to staff who have completed a formal induction.

Access to the gym will be restricted by a controlled door or turnstile. Staff will still be able to use the showers but the provision of free towels will cease.

Let's hope that staff are not so disillusioned by Trinity Mirror's cost-cutting strategy, which has already resulted in job losses, that they resort to pillaging employer-funded towels while they can.

Trinity Mirror declined to comment.

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