The Employee Benefits Research 2008 cover

Employee Engagement
Recruitment and Retention
Benefits Received
Valued Benefits
Future Responsibility

The aim of this study was to find out which benefits employees in Great Britain receive from their employers and which ones they value. We also wanted to find out what perks they would like to receive and what factors they think should shape their employers’ benefits packages.


This survey was carried out using an online interview with members of the YouGov plc GB panel of individuals who have agreed to take part in surveys.

The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB working adults (aged 18 ).

The total sample size was 3,142 working adults. Where sole traders are excluded, the sample was 2,916*. Fieldwork was carried out between 4-11 February 2008.

The key findings are:

  • 57% of British workers feel fully engaged in the work that they do, while 49% are fully engaged with their organisation.
  • Interesting work is the most important factor impacting on employee engagement with the employer, according to 69% of respondents. Work-life balance is the second most important, according to 58%.
  • 68% of respondents believe an increase in salary would have an impact on their engagement levels with their organisation.
  • Pay is the most important factor influencing recruitment (74%) and retention (44%), say employees*.
  • 10% of employees* believe employee benefits would have an impact on any decision to stay with their employer, while 21% say perks would be a factor in any decision to move to another employer.
  • 49% of employees* say they receive core benefits, 13% voluntary benefits and 11% flexible benefits.
  • 10% of employees* say they receive fewer than 16 days' paid leave a year (excluding bank holidays).
  • After paid leave, an occupational pension is the most common benefit, with 53% of employees* saying they receive this perk.
  • 46% of employees* say they value their occupational pension the most out of the perks they receive (excluding paid leave).
  • 23% of employees* say they would like to receive duvet days, making it the most popular perk that they don't already get.
  • 38%of respondents say they are satisfied with their benefits, but 34% say they would prefer cash instead of perks.
  • 43% of respondents say employers should have some responsibility for their health.
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