research – Page 26

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    First Autumn Statement changes take effect


    The investment limits for share plans will increase from April 2014. The limits on sharesave schemes will double from £250 to £500 a month, while the maximum value of shares that an employee can acquire with tax advantages through share incentive plans will rise to £1,800 for partnership shares and ...

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    Share scheme limit rise divides opinion


    The limits on sharesave schemes will double from £250 to £500 a month, while the maximum value of shares an employee can acquire with tax advantages through share incentive plans (Sips) will increase by £300 a year, to £1,800 for partnership shares and £3,600 for free shares.Phil Hall, specialist adviser ...

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    Bonus cap for bankers takes effect


    New legislation to cap European bankers’ bonuses took effect from 1 January 2014.The legislation, which was agreed in March 2013 by the European Parliament and European Commission, will apply to bonuses paid in 2015.The law means that:A salary/bonus ratio of 1:1 can be raised to 1:2 with a shareholder vote ...

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    Richard Lloyd: Will the government’s proposed 0.75% pension charges cap be enough?


    There is an urgent need for better minimum standards for all workplace pensions so that employees can be confident they are being enrolled into high-quality, good-value schemes. We are calling on pensions minister Steve Webb to do more to protect employees’ retirement funds, so we have launched the Hands off ...

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    Pension charge cap assessment deemed ‘not fit for purpose’


    The Regulatory Policy Committee at the Department for Business has ruled that the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) impact assessment on a pension charges cap is ‘not fit for purpose’.The DWP launched its consultation in October, which included a cap on pension charges at 0.75%.The Regulatory Policy Committee said ...

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    EBA agrees definition of identified staff for remuneration purposes


    The European Banking Authority (EBA) has agreed its final draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) on criteria to identify categories of staff whose professional activities have a material impact on an institution’s risk profile.These identified staff will be subject to provisions related, in particular, to the payment of variable remuneration.The standards ...

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    Advocate-General rules holiday pay should include commission


    Holiday pay should be calculated to include commission, according to Advocate General Bot of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).The case, Lock v British Gas Trading Ltd and ors Case C ­– 539/12, concerns Lock, a sales consultant for British Gas, who receives commission on a monthly ...

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    Lloyds fined for failings in sales incentive plans


    Lloyds Banking Group, which includes Lloyds TSB Bank, Bank of Scotland and Halifax, has been fined £28,038,800 by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for serious failings in its control over sales incentive schemes.The incentive schemes rewarded the banks’ advisers through variable base salaries, individual and team bonuses, and one-off payments ...

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    Cancer Research UK appoints legal advisors to DB pension


    Cancer Research UK has appointed Sackers as legal advisers to the trustees of its defined benefit pension scheme.The charity’s pension scheme is closed to new members.Graham Parrott, chair of trustees of the Cancer Research UK pension scheme, said: “Sackers impressed us with its understanding of our needs.”Ian Pittaway, senior partner ...

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    Regulator launches public sector pensions consultation


    The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published a consultation on a draft code of practice to help public service pension schemes meet governance and administration requirements set out in legislation.The Regulating public service pension schemes: our approach to enabling high standards of governance and administration consultation will run until 17 February ...

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    BA takes legal action against pension trustees


    British Airways has launched legal action against its pension trustees to try to prevent it from increasing the amount the airline has to pay into its defined benefit (DB) pension scheme.The British Airways Pension Scheme (APS) had its annual increases to payments changed in 2011 from being linked to the ...

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    Helen Forrest: Will the government's proposed 0.75% pension charges cap be enough?


    Pensions can be complex, so it is important that members can be confident that their pension offers value for money. That is why the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) has been working to promote an industry benchmark for good quality pensions through our Pensions Quality Mark standard.Charges have been ...

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    How the Autumn Statement will impact employee benefits


    Chancellor George Osborne (pictured) presented the Autumn Statement on 5 December.Here is how it will impact employee benefits:Share scheme limits to increaseRise in state pension age brought forwardOTS to implement nine quick wins on employee benefitsGovernment to extend tax exemption on employer-paid healthcareFuel duty increase cancelledTax exemption on bonuses under ...

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    HMRC wins income tax avoidance case


    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has won a tax tribunal ruling in an income tax avoidance scheme, which is expected to protect up to £400 million in tax that would otherwise not have been paid.The scheme was marketed by Consulting Overseas Limited to independent contractors as a remuneration package that ...

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    Annuity market does not work for retirees


    The annuity market does not work well for the majority of retirees according to the findings of research into the consumer experience of purchasing an annuity, published by the Financial Services Consumer Panel.In its report, the panel recommends urgent regulatory and government-led structural reform in order to prevent millions of ...

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    Rise in state pension age brought forward


    Autumn Statement 2013: The government has brought forward the increase in the state pension age, to 68 by the mid-2030s and to 69 by the late-2040s.The government had already taken action to control pension expenditure over the medium term by bringing forward the rise in the state pension age to ...

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    OTS to implement nine quick wins on employee benefits


    Autumn Statement 2013: The Office for Tax Simplification (OTS) is to implement nine ‘quick wins’ identified in its interim report on employee benefits and expenses, by the end of January 2014.Its plans were announced in the 2013 Autumn Statement on 5 December.The OTS is due to publish details of these ...

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    Government to extend tax exemption on employer-paid healthcare


    Autumn Statement 2013: The Autumn Statement 2013 has confirmed the government is to introduce a tax exemption on amounts of up to £500 paid by employers for medical treatment for employees. This was first announced in the Budget 2013,In response to a consultation into how to implement the tax relief, ...

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    Tax exemption on bonuses under employee ownership


    Autumn Statement 2013: The government is to provide an annual exemption from income tax on bonuses or equivalent payments on amounts up to £3,600 paid to employees of organisations that are indirectly employee-owned.This is part of a package of measures for the government to provide an additional £25 million to ...

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    Basic state pension to increase by £2.95 a week


    Autumn Statement 2013: The basic state pension will increase by £2.95 per week from April 2014, as announced by Chancellor George Osborne (pictured) in the Autumn Statement 2013.The increase is in line with the triple lock, which means that the full basic state pension in 2014/15 will be around £8.50 ...