research – Page 24

  • Hot100-ThinktankReport-2014

    43% expect to have to plug NHS support gap


    Some 43% of employers expect to have to plug the support gap created by the National Health Service (NHS) without the government introducing tax breaks on health and wellbeing products and services, according to the Employee Benefits/Lorica 100 Club research 2014.A large majority (85%) of 54 respondents believe tax breaks ...

  • QueensSpeech-June2014

    Queen’s Speech sets out collective DC pension plans


    Collective defined contribution (CDC) pension schemes will be included in primary legislation in next year’s pensions bill, announced the Queen during the state opening of Parliament.The Private Pensions Bill would:Make provisions for a new legislative framework in relation to the different categories of pension schemes. It would establish three mutually ...

  • Pay-Thinkstock-2014

    Personal allowance increase confirmed


    The Queen has confirmed the personal allowance limit will be increased from £10,000 to £10,500 in 2015/16.The increase was first announced in the 2014 Budget in March. It means the first £10,500 of an employee’s annual salary will be exempt from income tax.Consequently, the average basic-rate taxpayer will pay £805 ...

  • minimum wage

    Queen's Speech confirms higher minimum wage penalties


    The Queen has confirmed that higher penalties will be imposed on employers which fail to pay their staff the national minimum wage, first announced in January 2014.The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill will introduce an increased penalty of up to £20,000 for employers that do not pay staff the ...

  • Debi-O'Donovan-2012 305x240

    DOD’s blog: Is tax legislation hampering workplace pensions?


    Yesterday the Labour party put forward proposals to lower the earnings threshold at which staff will be auto-enrolled into pensions to £5,772. In this way, more low-paid staff would be brought into workplace pensions savings.This follows tens of thousands of employees earning less than £10,000 a year finding that they ...

  • Legal-Dreamstime-2013

    Court rules holiday pay should include commission


    The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has held that the Working Holiday Directive should require commission to be taken into account when calculating holiday pay.The finding in Lock v British Gas Trading Limited and others follows the Advocate General’s opinion in the case in December 2013.It means ...

  • Steve Webb

    State pension reforms receive royal assent


    The Pensions Bill 2013-14, which includes reforms to the state pension, received Royal Assent on 14 May.The reforms, which were first announced in the 2012 Autumn Statement, aim to create a simple flat-rate pension, the full level of which will be set above the basic means test, currently at £148.35.The ...

  • TheBenefitsResearch2014

    The Benefits Research 2014


    Read the digital edition of the Benefits research 2014.The supplement includes the following articles:Debbie Lovewell-Tuck: Engagement is driving benefits strategiesKey findingsEngagement continues to drive benefits strategiesRecruitment and retention remain employers’ top reason for offering benefitsHR systems most popular technology used to deliver benefitsBenefits cost less than 20% of payrollTwo-thirds plan ...

  • BenefitsResearch-KeyFindings1-2014

    Key findings of The Benefits Research 2014


    Read more findings from The Benefits Research 2014

  • DWP-Office-2013

    Government to amend definition of money purchase for pensions


    The government has published proposed final amendments to the definition of money purchase pension schemes.The Department for Work and Pensions launched a consultation in October 2013 to attempt to clarify the definition of money purchase included in section 29 of the Pensions Act 2011.The consultation followed the Supreme Court’s July ...

  • Debi O'Donovan 2013

    DOD’s blog: Should HR get more involved in politics?


    On Wednesday I stood for several hours in a queue on Trafalgar Square, London, in order to cast my vote in the South African elections (us overseas nationals get to do it a week in advance of our compatriots back home). The passion, dedication and persistence of people from around ...

  • HMRC

    HMRC publishes templates for share scheme returns


    HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has published templates for organisations to use in order to comply with their online filing responsibilities for employee share plan returns.All employers need to submit their first annual share plan return for 2014/15 online through HMRC’s pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) online service by 6 July 2015.The templates ...

  • University-of-Wales-TrinityStDavid-2014

    Male staff win equal pay case against University of Wales


    More than 18 male employees have won an equal pay case against the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.The support staff, which includes plumbers and caretakers, took the university to an employment tribunal on the grounds of sexual discrimination after discovering female colleagues on the same pay grade were being ...

  • Confessions of a benefits manager

    Confessions of a benefits manager: Candid researches multinational pooling


    However, I have to look at these things creatively, and as most of the players are in Belgium, perhaps I can engineer a visit as part of the project.Big Bad Boss wouldn’t normally go for that, because suppliers must come to us, not us to them. But, given we are ...

  • Asda

    Asda staff launch equal pay case


    More than 400 female employees at Asda have launched legal action against the supermarket around equal pay.The cases are aimed at determining if the mainly female-staffed retail jobs are of equal value to higher-paid jobs in Asda’s male-dominated distribution centres.If the case is successful, the employees who have alleged they ...

  • Legal requirements for workplaces

    Reed Group loses £158m salary sacrifice appeal


    Reed Group has lost its case in the Upper Tax Tribunal against HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) concerning the tax treatment of travel and subsistence expenses to staff.A number of Reed Group organisations now face a liability to HMRC worth up to £158 million in unpaid tax and national insurance ...

  • London Government

    Tax and legal changes to employee benefits take effect


    A number of changes affecting employee benefits came into effect on 6 April.These include:The savings limit for sharesave schemes has doubled from £250 to £500 a month, and the maximum value of shares that an employee can acquire with tax advantages through share incentive plans has risen to £1,800 a ...

  • Government

    Key changes to employee benefits in the 2014 Budget


    Here is a round up of all the key announcements impacting employee benefits:2014 to 2015: more flexibility to be allowed for employees retiring with defined contribution pensions.From 27 March: maximum lump sum taken from a pension pot increased to £30,000 from £18,000. From 27 March: number of small individual pension ...

  • Steve Webb

    Government sets pension charges cap at 0.75%


    The government has announced it will set the charges cap for workplace pensions at 0.75%.The proposal for the cap on pension charges was part of the Department of Work and Pensions’ consultation into charges on workplace pension schemes, which opened in October 2013 and closed in November 2013.The government has ...

  • BHPBIlliton-Site-2014

    BP and Tui criticised over executive pay


    BHP Billiton, BP, Morrisons, Sage Group and Tui have been held up as examples of employers that are not fully complying with regulations governing the reporting of executive pay.The High Pay Centre and partner organisations, including Pensions and Investment Research Consultants, Trade Union Share Owners, ShareAction and the Friends Provident ...