Research news 1 – Page 17

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    Group Risk Research 2011: Actions taken


    Employers continue to seek economies, with many reviewing their providers or advisers and the fees or commission they pay, says Tynan BartonThe economy has put pressure on employers to cut the cost of their group risk benefits, as cited by 48% of respondents. Over half (58%) have reviewed their providers ...

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    Group Risk Research 2011: Current issues


    Many employers are unconvinced of the effectiveness of fit notes and other government reforms in helping to reduce sickness absence, says Tynan BartonOn 6 April 2010, the Department for Work and Pensions introduced the fit note to replace doctors’ sick notes, switching the focus from what a person cannot do ...

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    Group Risk Research 2011: Key findings


    Our group risk survey was carried out in April 2011, with analysis based on 356 responses from Employee Benefits readers and users of FINDINGS41% believe government plans will help get the long-term sick back to work.36% believe they will need to review their absence strategies in response to the ...

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    Group Risk Research 2011: Attitudes


    Employers see group risk benefits as an important recruitment, retention and reputational tool, as well as helping to control costs, says Jennifer PatersonFor the most part, employers’ top objectives in providing group risk benefits are the same, whether they offer group risk benefits alone or in conjunction with their healthcare ...

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    Metlife research: Private sector employers consider cutting holiday to reduce benefits costs


    A quarter (25%) of private sector employers are considering cutting holiday entitlement for staff in order to reduce the costs of employee benefits, according to research by MetLife.The Metlife 2011 International Employee Benefits Trends Survey, which surveyed 403 small and medium enterprises (SMEs), revealed that 27% of organisations believe they ...

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    CBI and Hays research: Employers are tuned into flexible working


    Reward packages of the future will increasingly reflect the needs of employees, according to research conducted by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and Hays.Employers are thinking more flexibly about reward but perks will be driven by employee demand more and more.The report Thinking positive: the 21st century employment relationship, ...

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    CIPP research: Only 10% of employers will allow flexible working during Olympics


    Just 10% of employers will allow staff to work flexibly during the 2012 Olympics, according to a poll by the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP).Less than half of the respondents said that they do not know if their employer will allow flexible working.Diana Bruce, senior policy liaison officer at ...

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    ALD Automotive/YouGov research: Financial directors unsure of fleet ownership costs


    More than a third of UK financial directors are unsure of how to calculate the total cost of ownership of their business cars, according to new research by ALD Automotive and YouGov.The ALD corporate survey revealed that 35% of financial directors are unsure of how to make this calculation, and ...

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    WorldatWork research: Most employers offer a car benefit to staff


    The majority of organisations (89%) offer some type of car benefit to employees, according to research by WorldatWork among its primarily US-based as well as global members.The Vehicle-Related Benefits Survey 2011 found that, of these organisations, 49% offer a minimum of three fleet benefit programmes to their workforce.The most common ...

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    Close Asset Management research: Most employers with a low take up of benefits do not offer financial education


    Many employers (92%) that suffer from a low take up of benefits do not offer financial education to staff, according to research by Close Asset ManagementThe research, conducted among 2,000 employers in the UK, found that 83% of organisations that suffer from low uptake have not looked at how to ...

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    Wealth at Work research: Only 23% of employers think staff are aware of retirement options


    Only 23% of employers believe their employees are aware of the various retirement income options that are available, according to research conducted by Wealth at Work. The Rethink Retirement Survey 2011 also showed that 60% of respondents also believe there will be an increased requirement for specialist retirement advice. Jonathan ...

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    MetLife research: Employees fail to plan for financial security


    Employees are failing to act on fears for financial security by planning for retirement, according to new research by MetLife.Despite the global financial crisis, the MetLife 2011 International Employee Benefits Trends Survey found that many employees across Australia, Brazil, India, the UK and Mexico, under-save, lack retirement planning and irregular ...

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    Close Asset Management research: Employers unaware of RDR


    Just a third of employers are aware of the implications of the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) and the planned regulatory changes in response to that, according to research by financial education provider Close Asset Management.Although these changes could impact on their benefits packages and benefits providers, 69% of employers said ...

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    IDS research: FTSE 100 directors' pension pots reach £2.8 million


    FTSE 100 board directors now receive final salary pensions worth on average £2.8 million, according to research by Incomes Data Services (IDS).The Executive Compensation Review found that, when converted into an annual pension, the £2.8 million pot could buy an employee a pension annuity worth more than £170,000 a year.The ...

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    XpertHR research: Pay in manufacturing sector on the rise


    Employees in the manufacturing sector have seen a median pay increase of 3% compared to 1.5% of those in the service sector, according to research by XpertHR.The findings, based on 309 pay awards effective in the three months to the end of May 2011 and covering more than 3.7 million ...

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    NAPF research: Young staff would save more if they knew what to expect from state pension


    Half (47%) of those aged between 18 and 34 would save more for retirement if they knew how much state pension they would get.That number fell to 38% among those aged 35 to 44, and 33% for those 45 to 54, according to figures from a Populus survey for the ...

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    Aon Hewitt research: UK employers unprepared for auto-enrolment


    UK employers are not ready for auto-enrolment as part of the 2012 pension reforms, with a significant proportion yet to start preparations, according to a poll of conference attendees by Aon Hewitt.The poll results found that over a third of the respondents' schemes had yet to undertake pension contribution cost ...

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    CBI/Harvey Nash research: Pay freezes on the rise


    The number of pay freezes has risen, according to research conducted by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).Navigating Choppy Waters, the CBI/Harvey Nash Employment Trends Survey, which polled 335 UK employers, shows that pay freezes are up from 14% in October 2010 to 23%.In the private sector, the proportion of ...

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    Pension Insurance Corporation research: Pension fund trustees expect to increase required contributions


    More than half (55%) of pension fund trustees expect to increase the contributions they require from their sponsor following the next valuation by more than 10%.The Future of Pension Funds 2011 by the Pension Insurance Corporation, which surveyed occupational pension fund trustees, also found that 11% are planning to increase ...

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    Office Angels research: Personal assistants in London earn more than regional counterparts


    Personal assistants (PA) and office managers in London are earning an average of £11,000 more a year than some of their regional counterparts, according to a survey by Office Angels and average salary of a London PA was £32,205 in May, while the average salary for a similar role ...