Clifford Chance hopes that pensions changes will help its employees understand and appreciate complex retirement planning issues.

The law firm is currently ensuring that it has updated all of its pension and executive reward policies to ensure that it is compliant with the new legislation.

Pensions manager Andrew Darlison said: "People's perception is that we might have people in higher pay bands. But we don't have significantly high levels of length of service, so the combination of the two makes our numbers [affected by lifetime allowance] a little bit lower than they might otherwise be. But yes, we have had to deal with individuals and take decisions to treat their pension and pay going forward from April 2006."

He said that he felt the changes would ultimately make it easier for workers to understand their pensions, especially as they moved around organisations.

"Tax simplification as a whole is much better for the industry in terms of administration long term because we don't have people sitting in different tax regimes in the business but in the short term there's quite a lot of work that makes sure people are aware of the issues and collect the data," added Darlison.