News – Page 30

  • Paul Avis

    EXCLUSIVE: A third feel that flexible working improves wellbeing during winter


    EXCLUSIVE: A third (33%) of respondents believe that flexible working is the main method to improve wellbeing during the winter months, according to research by group risk provider Canada Life Group Insurance.Its survey of 1,002 employees also found that 22% find their workplace environment more stressful during the winter; this ...

  • Mental Health

    Poll: 31% believe SMEs should train first aiders to support employee mental health


    Employee Benefits poll: Three in 10 (31%) respondents believe that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can support employees’ mental health by training mental health first aiders.A straw poll of readers, which received 49 responses, also found that 24% feel that SMEs should improve office environments in order to better ...

  • Robert Walters Group

    Robert Walters Group to launch global wellbeing initiative for 4,000 staff


    Specialist recruitment organisation Robert Walters Group is preparing to launch a global employee wellbeing initiative for 4,000 staff, in order to improve individual wellbeing and encourage peers to support each other.The #BreakTheCycle campaign has been created in response to Robert Walters Group's recent research, The importance of mental health strategies ...

  • Kavitha's keynote

    Kavitha Sivasubramaniam: Evolving to become about much more than physical health


    As our Occupational Health Week, in association with Health Shield, draws to a close, it is time to reflect on some of the trends and issues currently shaping this area of the benefits market.In recent years, health and wellbeing strategies have evolved to become about much more than just physical ...

  • Alex Tullett

    EXCLUSIVE: Intangible assets are key to demonstrating return-on-investment


    Employee Benefits Connect 2019: The way organisations measure return-on-investment (ROI) for employee benefits should take into consideration intangible assets, such as branding, employee goodwill, customer relationships, intellectual property and knowledge sharing, according to Alex Tullett (pictured), director of decision science and consulting at outsourcing and professional services firm Capita HR ...

  • charlotte-frost

    EXCLUSIVE: Schroders creates global strategy to tackle employee health


    Employee Benefits Connect 2019: Multinational asset management organisation Schroders has launched a global wellbeing strategy in order to be more proactive in supporting employee health and wellbeing.Speaking at Employee Benefits Connect 2019 on Wednesday 27 February, as part of the recognition and motivation conference stream, Charlotte Frost (pictured), benefits and ...

  • Bradbury Group

    Bradbury Group launches suicide prevention training


    Steel door and physical security manufacturer Bradbury Group has introduced suicide prevention training for its 200 employees, to support staff mental health and wellbeing and raise awareness around suicide support services.The training, which was launched on Monday 25 February 2019, is provided via video by Zero Suicide Alliance, a collaboration ...


    Only one day left until Employee Benefits Connect 2019


    Employee Benefits Connect 2019, the one-day conference and exhibition for in-house senior HR, benefits and reward professionals, is taking place tomorrow (Wednesday 27 February 2019) at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge.Delegates will be able to gain insights on and discuss leading trends in benefits and reward, thanks to an extensive ...

  • Spencer Group

    Spencer Group launches mental health first aiders and champions


    Engineering organisation Spencer Group has launched a network of four mental health first aiders and seven mental health champions, to encourage its 300 employees to talk about their mental wellbeing.Headquartered at Humber Quays, Hull Marina, the organisation also has offices in London and Glasgow, as well as teams working on ...

  • Mental health

    A quarter of small to medium employers are too busy to support mental health


    More than a quarter (28%) of small to medium employers state that they are too busy to think about supporting mental health in the workplace, with 48% believing they could be doing more in this area, according to research by small business platform Xero.Its survey of 500 small and medium ...

  • Sarah-ONeill

    EXCLUSIVE: Discuss health and wellbeing at Employee Benefits Connect in under two weeks


    EXCLUSIVE: Employee Benefits Connect 2019 is drawing close, with less than two weeks to go before delegates will be able to attend a session presented by Sarah O'Neill (pictured), Sarah O’ Neill (pictured), chartered counselling psychologist and clinical director at Spectrum Life, an Ireland-based network of private mental health support ...

  • Gemma Bullivant

    Gemma Bullivant: How can benefits support a suicide prevention campaign?


    For a long time, mental health has been a taboo topic in the workplace, despite the fact that suicide is the leading cause of death for men aged 20 to 49 in England and Wales, according to Suicides in the UK: 2013 registrations, published by the Office for National Statistics ...

  • Nick-Barnes

    Nick Barnes: How can benefits support a suicide prevention campaign?


    Any employee death is a tragedy, affecting everyone around that person. When the cause of death is established as suicide, when someone takes their own life, this can cause grave emotional injury to anyone attached to that individual. With that injury comes vulnerability. Vulnerability for both employees and employers.There are ...

  • debbie francis

    Debbie Francis: How can benefits support a suicide prevention campaign?


    Ford of Britain's journey to implement a mental health strategy started in early 2017 over a cup of coffee, when a colleague and I discussed our personal experiences and how mental ill-health touches so many of us, in so many different ways. It is an issue we cannot afford to ...

  • Ann-Francke

    Half of managers have never been trained in workplace mental health


    Approximately half (49%) of managers have never received training on mental health in the workplace, according to research by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).Its survey of 940 UK managers also found that only 30% have received this training in the last year, while a further 20% did so more than ...

  • Renae-Shaw Search Laboratory

    Search Laboratory invests in mental health first aid training for 50% of staff


    Digital marketing agency Search Laboratory has provided mental health first aid training for 50% of its 130 employees, in order to align with an ongoing commitment to support positive mental health in the workplace.The training was initially promoted to staff during a wellbeing week in November 2018. At this point, ...

  • Jason Daye operations director at PHMG

    PHMG to launch mental health support app for 400 global employees


    Audio branding organisation PHMG has announced that it will be launching a mental health support app and online platform for its 400 global employees tomorrow (Thursday 7 February 2019) to align with Time to Talk Day.The new app and platform, provided by Tootoot, aims to encourage conversations around mental health ...

  • brainstorm

    Bird's brainstorm: Employers are looking at their impact on the world in 2019


    As January draws to a close and 2019 gets truly under way, employers appear to not only be thinking about profits and productivity for the year ahead, but also about their impact on both employees and the wider world.This might take the form of a commitment to a more sustainable ...

  • Steven Osei

    Three-quarters of employees want a more tailored benefits package


    Approximately three-quarters (73%) of employees want a more tailored benefits package, according to research by build-to-rent organisation Get Living.Its survey of 2,000 UK employees also found that 48% of respondents would leave their current job for one with better perks, while 7% are willing to take a pay cut in ...

  • Jeanette Makings

    Almost two-fifths of employers do not view financial wellbeing strategies as a priority


    Almost two-fifths (37%) of employer respondents that have no plans to implement a financial wellbeing strategy for staff state that this is because it is not a priority, according to research by Close Brothers Asset Management.Its Financial wellbeing index 2019 report, which surveyed 1,003 employers with 200 or more staff ...