Throughout this year, the world has been faced with countless challenges. An immediate need to learn how to shift entire teams remotely, support frontline employees’ wellbeing in critical ways, redefine the term 'work-life balance' as many juggle homeschooling and full-time work, and businesses innovating and rising above their obstacles to ensure continuity and survival are some of these challenges.
While we’re not out of it yet, and the world is shifting at different time scales when it comes to looking forward to a post-COVID-19 era, those who aren’t thinking ahead will be left behind in the new world we’re in.
We spoke with several leaders in the HR industry to get their thoughts on the future of HR after COVID-19, and how they think businesses everywhere can adapt to the changes ahead. We're looking forward to bringing you their answers to how we're Shaping the new vision of HR.
Click here to learn what they had to say.