Rehabilitation and case management provider Health and Case Management (HCML) has launched a professional case management product to combat workplace absence and reduced productivity caused by mental health issues.

It’s The Time To Talk service aims to manage employees’ recovery with intensive intervention to help them stay at, or return to, work.

Referrals to HCML can be made by employers, occupational health professionals, insurers and solicitors.

The initial triage, which puts employees into an appropiate care pathway, uses psychometric screening tools to determine if professional case management can add value, using proven disorder-specific criteria.

HCML then offers workplace support and personalised intervention, including self management and telephone support or intensive cognitive behavioural therapy.

Keith Bushnell (pictured), chief executive officer of HCML, said: “Mental illness has become the UK’s biggest cause of absence and disability, but employer-funded health insurance plans still focus on physical problems.

“This exposes employers to significantly increased costs when it comes to mental health conditions.”