GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has developed its holistic health and wellbeing programme on a global scale and focused its strategy to meet the needs of the business.


In a session at Employee Benefits Connect on 4 March titled ‘Building a holistic employee wellbeing strategy’, Dr. Philip Gibbs, director of product development, quality assurance insights at GSK, will discuss the healthcare organisation’s approach, how it aligned this with business values and its mission of delivering better employee resilience that has been established for more than 10 years.

Gibbs said: “I think it is important to integrate a strategy and think of it as broadly as possible.

”People have their own preferences and there is a need to consider the key factors instead of pulling out concepts of health and wellbeing. Integration is not a quick win.”

The organisation’s strategy started with resilience, which led to the launch of an in-house centre of resilience excellence.

The next step for its strategy was to look at energy management. For this, it partnered with the Human Performance Institute to create a corporate athlete programme.

It has also made workplace adjustments for older workers as and when required across the business.

Gibbs says: “These are just a select few examples that we implemented after data found that, in all areas of the business, energy was low. It needed the most attention and it is all about mindfulness to get employees thinking about the better use of energy.

“We have to consistently review and evaluate if wellbeing programmes are fit for purpose and linked to the business needs. The landscape always changes and it is about tailoring a programme to suit our audience.

“Programmes can quickly become outdated and there is a need as a business to think about sustainability.”

The session will also focus on engaging staff in health and wellbeing to ensure high take up of benefits, proving the financial impact of initiatives and ensuring continued innovation so programmes maintain engagement.

Gibbs will be joined in the session by Jabbar Sardar, director of human resources and organisational development at Cafcass.

Employee Benefits Connect 2015 will take place at the Lancaster London on 4 March.

See the full programme and register to attend Employee Benefits Connect for free.