He will be responsible for advising HR directors and remuneration committees of multinational and private sector organisations on all aspects of pay and remuneration structures.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the industry, Shelton previously worked as a managing director at Towers Watson, where he was co-head of the global talent and reward practice, a principal and founder of MGMC and director of McLagan.

Shelton said: “While compliance with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ new regulations will continue to be a focus for all UK organisations in 2014, the underlying issue is demonstrating a better link between pay and sustained long-term performance.

“This change has provided an opportunity for organisations to go back to their core principles and assess the financial and non-financial behaviours their remuneration packages should be driving.

“To truly drive sustainable business performance, an effective pay programme needs to be tailored to the organisation, rather than simply aligned with the industry norm.

“The importance of balancing broad investor interests and regulatory requirements with the ability to retain, attract and incentivise the right talent for the organisation is critical.”