Welfare provisions
- Toilets.
- Hand basins with soap and towels or a hand-drier.
- Drinking water.
- A place to store clothing and somewhere for employees to change/lockers.
- Somewhere for employees to rest/eat food, which could be their desk.
Health provisions
- A supply of fresh, clean air from outside, either from open windows or via a mechanical ventilation system, such as air conditioning.
- A minimum temperature of 16°C, or 13°C for physical environments, such as a fitness studio in a gym.
- Lighting that suits the work being carried out.
- Enough room and space for each employee; a rule of thumb is a minimum of 11 cubic metres per employee.
- Clean workplaces with bins and a cleaner.
Safety provisions
- A properly maintained work area, particularly with regard to work equipment, such as machinery, which must be serviced and maintained properly.
- Floors and exit roots that are clean and clear from obstruction.
- Windows that can be opened and cleaned safely, with any glass or transparent areas protected or made of safety materials, depending on where they are.
Source: Institution of Occupational Safety and Health