All articles by Clare Bettelley – Page 3

  • Danone
    Case Studies

    Danone tracks health assessment impact to help support staff needs


    The fresh dairy organisation previously offered the assessment, which offers a full health screen, only to senior staff, but it decided to extend access in line with its business objective to help people live healthier lives.As a result, 476 staff undertook a health assessment between the launch of the benefit ...

  • Bibby financial services office
    Case Studies

    Bibby Financial Services at a glance


    Bibby Financial Services specialises in invoice finance, which provides businesses with the funding that they need for cashflow as a result of unpaid invoices that they have in the pipeline with their customers.The organisation employs around 738 employees in the UK and more than 1,260 globally in 46 locations across ...

  • Bibby Financial Services
    Case Studies

    The benefits offered by Bibby Financial Services


    BenefitsPensionA Bibby Line Group-managed contract-based defined contribution (DC) pension scheme open to all employees, with employees’ contribution rate set at 4% and Bibby’s contribution rate set at 5%.A second contract-based DC scheme has been set up for auto-enrolled staff, with contribution rates set at the government’s statutory minimum (currently 1% ...

  • Opinion

    3 leader: Clare Bettelley: Why employers should avoid creating dictatorial health and wellbeing strategies


    Employers’ efforts are being driven by corporate objectives ranging from becoming an employer of choice to boosting employee engagement and retaining key talent. And then there are the organisations that are simply copying their competitors’ initiatives or chasing the latest market developments, particularly around wearable technology.But employers must beware of ...

  • International private medical insurance

    New trends in international private medical insurance


    If you read nothing else, read this… Many employers have traditionally accepted the relatively high cost of international private medical insurance (IPMI).The performance of unnecessary medical procedures is helping to maintain high IPMI costs in some countries.But employers can help to reduce costs by dictating the hospitals in which their ...

  • Clare Bettelley

    Bettelley's brooding: Maternity policies are key to retaining top talent


    The study of more than 800 business divisions from two employers from the retail and hospitality sectors also found that gender-diverse divisions report better financial outcomes than those dominated by one gender.This is why workplace benefits, such as paid maternity leave, are crucial for employers that want to retain skilled ...

  • Andre Spicer

    How to track the impact of healthcare benefits


    If you read nothing else, read this…Employers require accurate and meaningful data to be able to assess the impact of their health benefits.Benefits and HR professionals require analytical skillsets to be able to assess their findings.But it is often difficult to show a correlation between the implementation of a health ...

  • Bibby financial services office
    Case Studies

    Bibby Financial Services bolsters flexible benefits to boost retention


    But she believes that there is room for improvement, despite beating the exceedingly high 98% target she set herself for 2015. To put this into context, the average flex take-up rate among the financial services industry employer clients of Bibby’s flex consultant, Thomsons Online Benefits, is just 69%.This is because ...

  • Core elements of employee engagement

    What is employee engagement?


    If you read nothing else, read this…A single definition of employee engagement does not exist.But engaged employees are typically motivated to go the extra mile in their work for their employers. A balanced psychological contract between employers and employees helps to ensure that this is the case.Definitions vary considerably between ...

  • Cigna logo

    How health engagement drives the health of a business


    The business benefits of a healthy and engaged workforce are about more than low sickness absence figures.Employees who feel that their employer cares for their health and wellbeing are more likely to be motivated and engaged and less likely to leave the organisation.Deciding to invest in a long-term healthcare strategy ...

  • Closer relations

    Can employee benefits really drive employee engagement?


    The relationship between employers and their employees is similar to a marriage, in that it needs to be a two-way partnership. For the relationship to work, both parties need to know what they are committing to, and both the employer and the employee need to be honest about what is ...

  • Hired help

    How apprenticeships can help boost employee engagement


    Apprenticeships are becoming an increasingly popular option for businesses, and it is easy to see why. They enable organisations to grow their workforce, providing highly qualified and motivated employees.A primary reason for employers employing an apprentice is a need to improve their skills base and boost their long-term business development ...

  • Clare Bettelley

    Clare Bettelley: Pensions re-enrolment is a great time to re-engage staff


    Organisations should consider, for example, whether they have appointed the right provider with which to auto-enrol. Has the provider offered the employer the necessary or expected level of support for both the organisation and its employees?Has the provider’s technology coped with employee volumes and opt-out requests? If not, how can ...

  • General Electric

    GE rolls out new retirement communications strategy


    GE is in the throes rolling out a new retirement communications strategy to help communicate the new pension freedoms available to staff from 6 April. It is part of a flexible retirement policy that the organisation, which specialises in energy, healthcare, aviation and transport services, implemented last year. Michelle Newton, ...

  • Steve Webb

    Steve Webb urges employers to consider pension freedom choices


    Employers and their staff should avoid rushing to make decisions around the new pensions freedoms coming into force on 6 April, and consider the date as the start of a journey rather than a deadline, according to Steve Webb, minister for pensions, speaking at Employee Benefits Connect 2015. “The chances ...

  • Scapa
    Case Studies

    Scapa Group questions employees’ financial nous


    She was particularly keen to understand the level of financial awareness among employees at the global bonding product and adhesive components manufacturer.“[I wanted to know] how much they really knew about pensions and how much of that is in the context of a wider financial savviness,” she says.Patten found that ...

  • Health technology

    What does the future hold for health cash plans?


    If you read nothing else, read this…The health cash plan market will continue to grow off the back of the NHS’s ongoing struggle to cope with the demands placed on its services.Wellbeing services will be a particular focus for cash plan providers in 2015.Online services to help speed up claims ...

  • Flexible benefits

    How employers are using data to inform flexible benefits schemes


    If you read nothing else, read this…Employers can use flexible benefits scheme data to assess how well their scheme supports their organisation’s business objectives.But they need to ascertain from their flex providers and benefits consultants the range of data that is available on their scheme, plus the format in which ...

  • Pensions direction

    Key questions employers need to ask ahead of April's pension changes


    If you read nothing else, read this… It is not too late for employers to prepare for the new pension reforms. Employers must decide if and how they plan to support employees approaching retirement. Preparation is likely to involve tweaking existing strategies, rather than spending additional budget, for many employers.1. ...

  • Shopping trolley

    What makes for a successful voluntary benefits scheme?


    If you read nothing else, read this…Voluntary benefits can boost benefits professionals’ spending power. But the scheme must support key business objectives. Benefits take-up data should be monitored to assess employee appeal. Difficult economic times mean tough choices for organisations and, for many, adding voluntary benefits to enrich an existing ...