Case study: Healthy reduction in absence

The Health Store, the UK's largest co-operatively owned buying group supplying health and wholefood retailers, has reduced staff absence levels after addressing human capital management with an integrated HR system. The organisation has reduced staff absence from 7% to 2% after introducing a system that allowed it to record employee absence and attendance, while also streamlining the rest of its payroll processes.

Denise Bradley, HR manager, says: "Paper processes used to dominate HR and payroll, creating various issues and inefficiencies. It was impossible to extract information to monitor staff absence and was costing the business thousands of pounds a year."" Despite incurring extra costs by outsourcing its payroll, The Health Store found further advantages in the system, provided by COA Solutions. ""Morale has also been boosted as employees know the clocking-in system enables staff to be treated fairly and equally,"" says Bradley. ""For instance, poor attendance and lateness no longer go unnoticed, meaning hard-working staff are justifiably recognised, making for a happy and productive workforce."