As a forward-thinking employer, energy company E.On has taken unusual steps to boost flex take-up across
its workforce.

Reaching the firm’s field workers, of whom there are between 2,500 and 3,000, with flexible benefits information is a tricky task. With that in mind, at the time of its flex enrolment period, E.On adapts its weekly news broadcast in order to fill employees in.

Each week, E.On’s internal communications team puts together a news bulletin, complete with newsreader, featuring the latest company news. Around flex enrolment time, these bulletins also feature ‘adverts’ for certain
benefits to boost knowledge among non-office based employees, who can listen to the news by calling a free
telephone number.

Ant Donaldson, senior specialist, employee benefits at E.On, says: “The weekly phone-in news resource is recorded a bit like a radio programme. What we have done in the last few years during enrolment is put 30-second adverts in for different flexible benefits.

“If we have found there has been any confusion around a particular area, we can mention it in the little bulletin and, hopefully, clear things up. It is a great way to make sure people are getting the right message."

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