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- Analysis
In numbers: The challenges of flexible benefits in a modern workplace
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- Opinion
Professor Dan Cable: A flexible benefits package is essential in the modern workplace
If you want your employees to be at their best, it makes sense for them to have a say on their reward package. As a result, I believe flexible benefits are fundamental.
- Opinion
Sir Cary Cooper: Employee engagement and wellbeing at work
Employee engagement has been the buzzword of the last 15 years, as HR has been looking for the magic bullet that will transform British businesses in terms of their poor productivity performance and high levels of workplace stress.
- Opinion
Katharine Moxham: Why group risk protection benefits tick all the boxes
Given that the government is drawing back, no one should be without a way to protect their own financial stability and that of their family, especially because according to the Office for National Statistics' (ONS’) Quarterly sector accounts, UK: October to December 2017, published in xx the UK household’s savings ...
- Analysis
Infographic: Why employees do not always seek medical advice promptly
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- Opinion
Tim Reay: Multinational employers need to adopt key global benefits
More and more people are being sent by their employers to work in other countries; some estimates show that there are up to 50 million expatriates within multinational employers, which represents a 25% increase in the last decade.
- Opinion
Mark Brill: Working smarter with artificial intelligence
There is a lot of talk, even hype, about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will take over the world. We are understandably concerned about how this technology might disrupt work or take jobs away. Some, including the late Stephen Hawking, who spoke openly about AI in an interview with ...
- Article
Stefan Martin: What can employers learn from the Tesco and Morrisons equal pay cases?
According to newspaper reports, several supermarket chains are either already facing, or are preparing to face, large numbers of equal pay cases. Female workers in stores are claiming that they are engaged in work of equal value to that of male employees working in distribution centres and are entitled to ...
- Article
Dónall Breen: What can employers learn from the Tesco and Morrisons equal pay cases?
As the saying goes, learn from the mistakes of others because you cannot afford to make them all yourself. Especially not ones as big as a mass equal pay claim. That is why so many private sector employers, lawyers and campaigners are closely following the Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys and, most ...
- Article
Donald MacKinnon: What can employers learn from the Tesco and Morrisons equal pay cases?
Tesco is one of the latest supermarket retailers to face equal pay claims from female staff claiming that their work is of equal value to that of higher-paid male colleagues. Over 200,000 staff could be affected which would give rise to a potential liability of over £4 billion. The potential ...
- Article
Employee Benefits Connect 2018 speaker slides
Where speakers have given approval, we have uploaded the speaker slides for the keynote and conference sessions at Employee Benefits Connect 2018, which took place on 28 February 2018.
- Article
Employee Benefits Connect 2018 speaker slides
Where speakers have given approval, we have uploaded the speaker slides for the keynote and conference sessions at Employee Benefits Connect 2018, which took place on 28 February 2018.
- Article
Tim Goodwin: Does the government’s response to the Taylor Review go far enough to protect workers?
The government has finally set out its response to the Taylor Review, which looked at how changes in the workplace, and in particular, the rise of the gig economy, affect our employment rights. Unfortunately, the response is not particularly inspiring.
- Article
Ruth Buchanan and Hannah Martin: Does the government’s response to the Taylor Review go far enough to protect workers?
The future of work is here; or is it? In February 2018, the government released its response to the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices and there are likely to be a lot of changes for employers to get to grips with.
- Article
Katie Bailey: Does the government’s response to the Taylor Review go far enough to protect workers?
The government’s eagerly awaited and lengthy response to the Taylor Review, which was published in February, has elicited mixed commentary. On the one hand, Matthew Taylor himself has welcomed the fact that virtually all of his recommendations were accepted in principle, and the commitments expressed by the government to improve ...
- Article
Christina McAnea: Does the government’s response to the Taylor review go far enough to protect workers?
Workers in the UK are struggling. People are trying to build families, but living on poverty pay it is nigh on impossible for them to plan for the future or get out of debt.
- Opinion
Julia Hanna: Financial fitness is a win-win for employers and employees
There is increasing evidence that financial anxiety impacts mental, physical and social wellbeing. This, in turn, impacts attendance and performance at work.