allen and overy

Image credit: DutchMen /

International law firm Allen and Overy has reported a 59.9% mean gender pay gap among employees, including partners, as at April 2020. It has also voluntarily chosen to report its ethnicity pay gap data, finding a 22.4% mean difference.

Due to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, gender pay gap reporting regulations have been suspended for the 2019/2020 reporting period, however, Allen and Overy has also chosen to voluntarily disclose these figures, as well as reporting its 2020/2021 figures.

Allen and Overy’s median gender pay gap for employees and partners is 46.4%, as at April 2020, compared to 43.8% in 2019. Its median gender pay gap among its London-based employees is 28.7% as at April 2020 and 31.8% in 2019.

Its median gender pay gap for bonuses paid during the reporting period in London is 50% compared to a 44.6% bonus payment gap the previous year. The mean gender pay gap for overall bonus payments is 36.5%, compared to 44.6% the year before.

Over the reporting period, 79.1% of female employees and 76.1% of male employees in London received bonus payments.

Over half (54%) of London-based employees in the highest pay quartile at Allen and Overy are female, equally 54% in the second quartile, 61% in the third quartile and 76% in the lowest pay quartile.

Based on the 96% of employees who shared their ethnicity, its median ethnicity pay gap for employees and partners is -41.1%%, as at April 2020, compared to -32.3% in 2019. Its London median ethnicity pay gap is 4.8% as at April 2020 and 9.1% in 2019.

It reported the proportion of ethnic minority employees in its highest pay quartile in London as 16%, in the second quartile 23%, in the third quartile 21% and in the lowest quartile 20%.

Allen and Overy aims to have a quarter (25%) of its lawyers made up of black, Asian and minority ethnic (Bame) employees, and 15% of its partners in London by 2025. It also plans on recruiting 35% of its graduates from ethnic minorities each year.

Sasha Hardman, global HR director at Allen and Overy, said:“The overall picture from this report is one of progress and that our initiatives are having a real impact, with a broad trend of our pay gaps moving in the right direction. We believe that transparency about our actions, challenges and progress is central to achieving a balanced and diverse workforce. This is why we have included key points from our action plans across the different areas the report covers, which show how we are tackling the underlying reasons that pay gaps exist. We have also extended the report to cover disability.

During a crisis there is a risk that diversity and inclusion could become less of a priority but we are determined not to let that happen. We have maintained our action in this important area in recent months during the pandemic and we are focused on continuing to engage with the issues to bring about positive change within Allen and Overy.”