Camilla Drejer, corporate citizenship lead for Accenture, UK and Ireland, says these benefits are tied to ensuring the sustainable growth of the business.

“Fostering environmentally sustainable growth for our organisation and our stakeholders is at the heart of our environmental strategy,” she says. “As a people-based business, all this is underpinned by how we engage our staff and support them in taking action to reduce their personal and business environmental footprint.”

The energy audit is part of a pilot project called Green My Home, under which 50 Accenture employees have signed up for free home energy assessments. Another way for staff to go sustainable is by claiming 12p per mile each time they cycle to business meetings. The Green Rewards programme enables staff to use recognition points to buy sustainable products and services.

Accenture employees are also allowed up to three days’ paid leave each year to volunteer in their local communities. Drejer says: “Eco-volunteering covers a range of activities, from conservation work and tree-planting through to sharing business skills with young people looking for careers in the green sector or helping our sustainability charities develop their organisational framework.”

The organisation also offers its staff free membership of its Environmental Action Group (EAG), which aims to increase sustainability awareness and support the implementation of more eco-smart work practices.

“We connect with our members through a monthly call, an online Yammer group, and postcards and newsletters,” says Drejer. “The EAG consists of over 400 employees from across the UK and Ireland and links in with similar groups in other countries around the world to share ideas.”