All articles by Vicki Taylor – Page 2

  • Article

    RBS data unlocks staff satisfaction with pay and benefits


    The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has found that employee satisfaction with their pay and benefits has risen by more than a third over the past six years.The finding is part of the results of the financial services firm's global annual employee survey, which is being analysed.Greig Aitken, head of ...

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    Amaps under review following Budget


    Authorised Mileage Allowance Payments (Amaps) are to be reviewed following the Budget. However, the Chancellor made few other announcements in relation to cars save for changes to vehicle excise duty and fuel duty.Background documentation on the Budget revealed that the Treasury is to look at changing the structure of Amaps ...

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    Drinks firm Beam reviews global benefits


    Beam Global Spirits & Wine (GBS&W) has reviewed its global benefits package to create a consistent reward culture, resulting in changes for staff based in the UK, Spain, Germany, Australia, India and the US.The changes came into effect last month, following a deal whereby Jim Beam Brands took on a ...

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    Vodafone launches flexible benefits


    Vodafone UK has launched a flexible benefits scheme for 9,500 of its employees, following feedback from staff.The scheme went live in mid-January for all staff except senior managers. Employees have been given a three-week enrolment window and any perks they select will take effect from 1 March.Fedra Nicholls, UK reward ...

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    Shell UK produces benefits DVD


    Shell UK has produced a DVD to help communicate its benefits package to its 13,000 employees.The disc, which features two-minute sound bites on each of the benefits on offer to Shell UK staff, will be sent to their home addresses this month, including staff based on offshore oil rigs.Tim Kensey, ...

  • Analysis

    Senior staff may need greater incentives to transfer to jobs in UK


    Employees transferring to the UK from overseas have typically seen packages reduce over the past few years, but senior staff may require greater incentives to move, says Vicki Taylor.Packages for most employees transferring to the UK from other territories have typically been reduced in recent years. But senior staff can ...

  • Analysis

    Introducing an international flexible benefits scheme


    With different laws, taxes, cultures and traditions, introducing an identical international flex scheme across all territories seems like an impossible dream, says Vicki TaylorInternational flexible benefits plans are still the exception to the rule, but interest in such schemes is gradually increasing.Not too long ago, organisations that introduced a flexible ...

  • Analysis

    Making GPPs more appealing


    Take-up of group personal pensions lags behind other types of occupational schemes, but Vicki Taylor questions if this should be so and looks at revamping their appealIf you read nothing else, read this ...Group personal pensions (GPPs) typically achieve lower take-up rates among employees than some other types of schemes.Employers ...

  • Analysis

    Supporting staff with caring responsibilities is good for business


    Building on new legislation to offer support to staff with caring responsibilities can have numerous business benefits for employers, says Vicki TaylorNever before has there been such a great focus on employees’ caring responsibilities outside of the workplace. While the right to request flexible working has existed for working parents ...

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    FTSE 100 companies unlikey to opt for full pension buyout


    Most FTSE 100 companies are unlikely to opt for a full buyout of their defined benefit pension schemes, but many are likely to move to get part of the scheme off their balance sheet.Speaking at a pensions roundtable discussion, David Evans, development director of bulk purchase annuities at Legal & ...

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    Wessex Water forced to put flex plans on hold


    Wessex Water has put its plans to implement a flexible benefits scheme on hold while it awaits board approval for a new HR system.Although the plan for flex has been approved and a feasibility study carried out with Aon Consulting, Jill Nunn, HR manager at the utility company, said the ...

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    Cambridgeshire County Council develops total reward


    Cambridgeshire County Council is developing a total reward strategy to offer staff greater flexibility and improve employee engagement.It is currently looking to place greater emphasis on its existing reward package when recruiting staff, as well as increasing flexibility around its perks to enable employees to tailor their package to suit ...

  • Case Studies

    Employer profile: Buckinghamshire County Council


    In attempting to become a top employer, clear goal setting and accountability will become key to Bucks County Council's strategy, says Vicki Taylor Article in fullChange is afoot at Buckinghamshire County Council. The arrival of Gillian Hibberd, corporate director, organisational development and HR, from neighbouring Hertfordshire County Council in November ...

  • Analysis

    Emergency childcare: the options


    Emergency childcare can have tangible benefits for both employers and staff, explains Vicki TaylorArticle in fullEmergency childcare is one of those perks where the advantages are just as tangible for employers, if not more so, than for employees.The services that can be offered to staff range from providing childcare at ...

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    Olswang offers staff care support


    Law firm Olswang introduced a subsidised emergency eldercare and childcare service last month.Employees who have registered for the service are able to request an emergency nanny, childminder or place at a local nursery either online or by phone at any time until the morning the emergency care is required.Employees who ...

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    Zenith makes own fleet carbon neutral


    Zenith is working to make its own company car fleet carbon neutral and is also†introducing a voluntary scheme for staff to offset their personal mileage.The car leasing firm is currently assessing its carbon footprint, by taking its fleet of 45 cars and aspects like office use of heating and electricity ...

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    Toshiba adds eye surgery to flex


    Toshiba is adding laser eye surgery to its flexible benefits package.After surveying employees in October 2006, the technology company found that it would be a popular addition among its 365 staff.Nicola Endersby, HR consultant, said the option to take up laser eye surgery would be added in time for its ...

  • Analysis

    Setting employer contributions for defined contribution schemes


    Setting employer contributions for defined contribution schemes is a complex business, and organisations will need to consider a range of factors, says Vicki TaylorIf you read nothing else, read this ...On average, medium-to-large organisations make contributions of 6% to defined contribution (DC) schemes.Factors to consider when setting contribution levels include ...

  • Analysis

    Getting the best from a share scheme


    Share schemes can be highly rewarding, but are not low maintenance, due to tax timetables and rollercoaster stock prices, says Vicki TaylorArticle in fullA share scheme is like a garden. Simply sowing the seeds and leaving it to its own devices won't produce the best results as aftercare is always ...

  • Analysis

    Netherlands begins to change attitude towards benefits


    The Netherlands’ laissez-faire attitude to benefits is quickly changing with mandatory health contributions and childcare provision affecting employers, says Vicki TaylorIf you read nothing else, read this …Until recently, there were few mandatory requirements around benefits for employers in the Netherlands.Lately, however, this has changed with the introduction of compulsory ...