Delegates at Employee Benefits Live 2014 can find out all they need to know about the tax changes impacting benefits in a keynote session on 24 September.


In the session titled ‘Business critical tax and legislation changes impacting benefits’, John Whiting (pictured), tax director at the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS), will give an overview of what the government is currently working on and provide delegates with the opportunity to voice their own views and concerns.

Whiting said: “I always view these sessions as part me telling people what we’re doing, but also the [delegates] telling me what we should be doing.”

During the session, he will cover the recommendations the OTS has made on employee benefits and expenses, as well as an upcoming report on accommodation benefits and terminations, and another project, due to launch in September, on the tax treatment of employment status.

Taxes on employee benefits are fundamental to pay packages,” added Whiting. “The thing we’re starting to look at – employment status – is something we’ve heard so often is causing trip-wire problems in practice.

“What we want to hear about is problems in practice, so we can try to do something about them.”

OTS will begin to look into the tax treatment of employment status in September by going out to gather evidence and putting together recommendations for the government.

Whiting added: “The target is to do that report for next year’s Budget.”

Employee Benefits Live will be held at Olympia National in London on 24 and 25 September 2014.