All Tax and legislation articles – Page 14

  • Lee-McIntyre-Hamilton

    Lee McIntyre-Hamilton: How to manage a globally remote workforce compliantly


    The rise of globally remote workers and digital nomads is a lasting legacy of Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Employers are now grappling with how to embrace or at least accommodate the new landscape, not least in order to attract and retain scarce talent. The UK Office of Tax Simplification’s consultation on globally ...

  • Central Building Contractors

    Central Building Contractors ordered to compensate dismissed employees


    A tribunal has ordered Glasgow-based building firm Central Building Contractors to pay compensation to 149 employees that it dismissed without due procedure.The business went into administration in April 2020 after difficult trading conditions, made worse by Covid-19 (Coronavirus), left it with a funding shortfall.Former employee Jordan Kirk raised a claim ...

  • adequate minimum wage

    European Union to implement adequate minimum wage legislation


    The European Union (EU) parliament has voted in favour of legislation regarding adequate minimum wages for member states.Member states will have to guarantee that their national minimum wage allows workers to lead a decent life by taking into account the cost of living and wider pay levels. In order to ...

  • bank holiday

    Sarah Taylor: How can employers organise an unplanned bank holiday?


    Following the announcement of Monday’s bank holiday earlier this week, businesses have been rushing to plan accordingly. There are no statutory rules that employers must follow for public holidays as every organisation will differ in its approach, influenced in a large part by the way in which its employment contracts ...

  • RuthMoffettJoeAiston

    Joe Aiston and Ruth Moffett: Uber's revenue increase could shift the gig economy's take on workers


    In February 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that Uber drivers are workers and not independent contractors. This judgment has inevitably led to higher costs for Uber, with the ride share business now being required to ensure compliance with national minimum wage, holiday pay and put in place minimum pension contributions ...

  • IWGB demand changes to Deliveroo's hardship funds

    Union to take Deliveroo to Supreme Court over collective bargaining rights


    The Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) has commenced proceedings in order to take food delivery service Deliveroo to the Supreme Court over collective bargaining rights.According to the union, the partnership deal the business signed with trade union GMB earlier this year, which began this month, failed to address ...

  • Office of Tax Simplification

    Office of Tax Simplification begins hybrid and global working review


    The Office of Tax Simplification has commenced a review on the emerging trends and tax implications of hybrid and distance working.According to the independent government advisory body, the review will consider whether hybrid, distance and home working models are likely to increase, whether this trend involves more instances of working ...

  • ClaireHaworth

    Claire Haworth: A remote working law may not solve the UK’s labour shortage


    It is rumoured that the government is thinking of implementing a law extending the existing right to request flexible working. This would give employees greater flexibility in terms of how they work, including the right to remote working, as set out in the 2019 Employment Bill.At present, only employees with ...

  • Turner Contemporary

    Former Turner Contemporary employee wins employment status tribunal


    Credit: Ron Ellis / Shutterstock.comAn employment tribunal has ruled that a former Turner Contemporary staff member was entitled to redundancy pay, despite the gallery's move to class her as a casual worker rather than an employee.Jan Wheatley and 39 others received an email in 2020 informing them of the removal ...

  • workers

    Helena Rosenstein: What’s next for gig economy workers and their benefits?


    The tug of war between gig economy workers and their employers continues. The last round saw GMB, the union representing gig economy workers, their rights, and their benefits, take legal action against Uber and win. Now, the union has Bolt firmly in its sights. While the Supreme Court ruled in ...

  • compensation

    Former Manchester Working staff compensated for failed employment transfer


    A dozen employees originally employed by Manchester Working (MW) have received compensation payouts after they were left jobless due to a failed employment transfer.The workers secured almost £65,000 after their elected employee representative Jane Deegan brought claims for failure to inform and consult under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of ...

  • SamanthaDickinson

    Samantha Dickinson: Will workers’ rights be eroded by government legislation?


    As millions of public sector workers face below-inflation pay deals, the stage is set for a summer of continued discontent. So, how will the government’s decision to allow agency workers to cover in the event of further strike action affect the gathering storm clouds?Previously the Conduct of Employment Agencies and ...

  • tribunal discrimination

    Tribunal finds in favour of finance executive in wellbeing and age discrimination case


    An Employment Tribunal has found in favour of a finance executive who worked for e-commerce fulfilment provider Selazar, in claims that included unfair dismissal, breach of contract and age discrimination.Louise McCabe was one of the founding directors of Selazar when it was incorporated on 10 October 2014, alongside chief executive ...

  • employment status

    Lee McIntyre-Hamilton: The tax impact of new employment status guidance


    On 26 July 2022, the government published its response to a consultation on employment status, alongside associated guidance. The rules on employment status are important for both businesses and individuals, because they determine employment rights, such as entitlement to the national minimum wage and holiday pay, and whether a business ...

  • European Union

    European Union members to make carer work-life balance measures law


    All members of the European Union (EU) must apply rules to improve work-life balance for parents and carers by transposing a Work-Life Balance Directive into national law as of this week.The rules set out minimum standards for paternity, parental and carers' leave, and have established rights such as working fathers ...

  • employment

    Charlie Thompson: Will there be more claims now Long Covid is recognised as disability?


    Recently, an employment tribunal in Scotland held that an employee with Long Covid-19 (Coronavirus) was disabled under the Equality Act 2010. This is the first decision of its kind, and will not be the last.The tribunal’s decision is not surprising. It was only a matter of time until an employment ...

  • employment status

    Government releases guidance to clarify employment status case law


    The government has published guidance on employment status that defines the rights and protections employees are entitled to, including pay, leave and working conditions.According to the government, the guidance brings together employment status case law into one place for businesses and workers to access and improve their understanding, enabling informed ...

  • holiday pay

    Kerry Garcia: Part-time workers set to see windfall of holiday pay


    The Supreme Court has confirmed the finding of the Court of Appeal that part-year workers could be entitled to receive more holiday pay than colleagues who work throughout the year. The decision will come as a blow to employers with workers who work for only part of each year, such ...

  • temperatures

    Lauren Harkin: Employees’ health rights in high temperatures


    With temperatures set to soar well over 30 degrees Celsius in parts of the UK this week, rumours often circulate about the rights of employees regarding the temperatures in which they can legally work. So, do employees have a right to stop working if a maximum temperature is exceeded?Somewhat surprisingly, ...

  • Sinead Cuthill and Emma Vennesson: Ethnicity pay gap reporting in the UK

    Sinead Cuthill and Emma Vennesson: Ethnicity pay gap reporting in the UK


    In its Inclusive Britain policy paper, published on 17 March 2022, the government stated that it would not be mandating ethnicity pay gap reporting. One of the reasons for this is that it wanted to “avoid imposing new reporting burdens on businesses as they recover from the pandemic.”The government’s position ...