Tax & legal news 1 – Page 14

  • AndyBriggs_Sep15

    67% say Isa system would lower staff pension savings


    Two-thirds (67%) of respondents believe an individual savings account (Isa)-style tax system for pensions would result in a reduction in the amount employees save into their pension, according to research by insurance provider Aviva. Its survey of 118 Friends Life (now part of the Aviva Group) corporate pension clients also ...

  • Gender pay

    93% say employers should publish gender pay gap data


    Almost all (93%) of respondents believe that employers should have to publish the overall gender pay gap within an organisation, according to research by Business in the Community.Its report, The gender pay gap: what employees really think, which surveyed 1,179 employees, also revealed that 87% of respondents think compulsory gender ...

  • Pension pot-2015

    EAT rules on disability discrimination pensions case


    An appeal has been allowed against a ruling that found a former technician had been discriminated against after receiving half of the pension he would have been entitled to had he been working full-time at the time of his ill-health retirement.In the case of the Trustees of Swansea University Pension ...

  • Uber-app-mobile-2014

    FedEx, Uber and Yelp cases bring employee status issue to the fore


    In the US-based case of Gray vs FedEx Ground Package System, the latter contracts with operators to make deliveries. Under their contracts, the operators were not required to personally drive, but could hire someone else to do so. The plaintiffs brought a suit against FedEx claiming that they should be ...

  • Police-EAT case-2015

    Police forces to appeal decision on age discrimination case


    An appeal has been filed against the Employment Appeal Tribunal’s (EAT’s) ruling that a regulation enabling police forces to compulsorily retire officers after they become entitled to a pension worth at least two-thirds of pensionable pay is not age discriminatory.The judgment in the case of Harrod and others v Chief ...

  • AndyBriggs_Sep15

    23% favour Isa-style tax system for pensions


    Less than a quarter (23%) of respondents would opt for an individual savings account (Isa)-style system for pensions after gaining a full understanding of the tax implications, compared to an initial 41%, according to research by Aviva.Its survey of 2,000 working adults found that the number of respondents that prefer ...

  • Court-judgement

    European Court rules that travel time is work


    The European Court of Justice has ruled that travel between an employee’s home and the first and last job of the day at a client’s location constitutes working time for staff without a fixed or habitual place of work.The court considered this time spent travelling as working time, with the ...

  • Uber-app-mobile-2014

    Employee status of US Uber drivers to be decided


    App-based taxi firm Uber, is facing further legal action regarding the employee status and rights of its workers, this time from the US.The US-based case, that of O’Connor et al. vs Uber Technologies, has been brought to the courts by three Uber drivers who claim that they should be treated ...

  • AndyBriggs_Sep15

    66% have little to no understanding of pension tax relief


    Around two-thirds (66%) of respondents have little or no understanding of how the tax system impacts pension contributions, according to research by insurance provider Aviva.Its survey of 2000 working adults in the UK, carried out in August, also found that one in ten respondents have never heard of pension tax ...

  • FedEx-tax and legislation-2015

    Jury to rule on employee status of FedEx drivers


    A US district court in St Louis, Missouri, has referred a dispute over the employee status of FedEx drivers to a jury for deliberation.In the case of Gray vs FedEx Ground Package System, the latter contracts with operators to make deliveries. Under their contracts, the operators were not required to ...

  • Police-EAT case-2015

    Police to appeal against EAT decision on age discrimination


    An appeal has been filed against the Employment Appeal Tribunal’s (EAT) ruling that a regulation enabling police forces to compulsorily retire officers after they become entitled to a pension worth at least two-thirds of pensionable pay (typically after 30 years’ service) is not age discriminatory.The judgment in the case of ...

  • Pension pot-2015

    69% take entire pension pot as cash lump sum


    More than two-thirds (69%) of respondents have chosen to take their entire pension pot as a cash lump sum since the pension freedoms came into effect in April, according to research by Royal London.The life, pensions and investment firm’s survey of 800 customers found that just under a third (32%) ...

  • Case law-judge-2015

    US court rules Yelp reviewers are not employees


    US District Judge Richard Seeborg has dismissed a class action against Yelp in which a group of reviewers sought to be considered employees and therefore be compensated as such.In the case of Lily Jeung, et al., vs Yelp. the claimants alleged that they were ‘directed how to write reviews and ...

  • Court-judgement

    Court rules travel expenses are subject to tax


    Reed Employment has lost an appeal against HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), in which it contested up to £158 million in tax payments relating to travel expenses for the temporary workers it employed.The case covers the period between 2001 and 2006 when the employment agency aimed to make non-taxable payments ...

  • Share schemes

    Tribunal rules on valuation of restricted shares


    The First-Tier Tribunal has ruled that restrictions should be taken into account when shares issued to employees are valued for tax purposes.In the case of Sjumarken v HM Revenue and Customs [HMRC], Lars Sjumarken was employed by BNP Paribas as an investment banker, in charge of BNP’s EU investment banking ...

  • Lock

    Government consults on pension freedom charges


    The government has launched a consultation on early exit charges surrounding the pension freedoms that came into effect in April.The consultation will examine whether exit charges should be capped for those aged over 55 years that are planning to withdraw money from their pension pots.It will also look at how ...

  • BBC-Building-2013

    High Court sides with BBC to cap pensionable pay


    The BBC took the decision to introduce a 1% cap on increases to pensionable pay to its three DB schemes to cut its pension liabilities. But the approach that it took to implement the change, requiring members to accept the cap or receive no pay rise, or alternatively to cease ...

  • Cameron David-PM-2015

    Consultation launches on gender pay gap reporting


    The government has launched a consultation to establish the details of its plans to make it complusory for large employers to publish the average salaries of male and female staff. The consultation will also look into what information from employers will be published, as well as where and when.Plans for ...

  • Osborne-George-2013

    Government to consult on pensions tax relief


    Summer Budget 2015: Chancellor George Osborne has announced that the government is to consult on a reformation of pensions tax relief.It will publish a green paper shortly setting out the various options, which range from fundamental reforms, for example moving to a system which is tax exempt like individual savings ...

  • Tax-Budget 2015

    Personal allowance increases to £11,000


    Summer Budget 2015: The tax-free personal allowance will increase to £11,000 a year, Chancellor George Osborne announced during his Summer Budget speech today (8 July).In 2016-17, employees who earn up to £11,000 a year will not pay income tax. The new tax-free personal allowance threshold represents an increase of £400. ...