Supplier Articles (6)

  • 700x450-3

    Supplier article

    Supporting Unmind users through Covid-19


    When the corona-virus pandemic seized the world, the team at Unmind knew we could act fast and help our users to proactively protect their mental health in the face of many unknowns. We were humbled by their feedback, and are now excited to share the impact of ...

  • 700x450-8

    Supplier article

    Finding fulfilment at work


    Finding meaningful and satisfying employment has become one of life’s greatest pursuits. Those who find it tend to lead happier lives and are more committed to their jobs. As such, connecting employees with the meaningful aspects of their work should be a priority for employers. We caught ...

  • unmind-image

    Supplier article

    78% of organisations have seen an increase in requests for mental health support – but there's a silver lining


    We teamed up with the Reward & Employee Benefits Association (REBA) to explore how Covid-19 has impacted employee mental health and what this means for organisations. The report analyses how perceptions around mental health are shifting, where companies may be investing over the next year, and what ...

  • 700x450-15

    Supplier article

    Sleep and mental health


    Sleep and mental health are deeply connected. Studies have shown that consistently getting enough sleep improves everything from brain function and fitness levels to emotional intelligence. That’s why we launched our Maximising Sleep campaign, which saw Unmind users report an improvement of 9% in the quality of ...

  • 700x450-17

    Supplier article

    Highlights from our webinar, Life after lock down


    ‘Anxiety’ and ‘optimism’ are the two overriding emotions people feel about returning to work after our lock down, according to our live poll. The webinar – hosted by our Head of Psychology, Dr Heather Bolton, and Mental Health Technology Specialist, Daisy Abbott – went on to explore ...

  • 700x4501-1

    Supplier article

    Keeping race on the agenda


    The recent Black Lives Matter protests and wider civil rights movements have brought the topic of race and racism into the foreground throughout society. To help maintain this momentum, clinical psychologist Dr Fabienne Palmer outlines how employers and business leaders can continue conversations about race equality in ...