All Share incentive plans articles – Page 20

  • Opinion

    Amanda Solomon: Share schemes can motivate staff


    In such a tough environment, it is more important than ever for employers to be able to retain and incentivise staff. There are a number of share schemes that can help achieve this, including HM Revenue and Customs-approved plans.Incentives such as the share incentive plan (Sip) and the enterprise management ...

  • Article

    M&C Saatchi awards shares to executives


    M&C Saatchi has granted share awards to four of its executive directors under its long-term incentive plan (L-tip), which vested on 31 December 2012.The awards reflect the achievement of targets for both share price performance and total shareholder return conditions.When the L-tip was adopted, each of the participants paid £97,250 ...

  • Article

    Computershare to acquire Morgan Stanley’s EMEA shares business


    Computershare is to acquire the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) portion of Morgan Stanley’s global share plan services business.The business provides recordkeeping, administration and trade executive services for corporate shares and option-based compensation plans to a range of EMEA-based employers. It administers accounts for approximately 235,000 employee participants.The acquisition ...

  • Article

    Tax legislation for share plans set out


    The government has published draft tax legislation around share schemes, which will be included in the Finance Bill 2013.This includes measures announced in, and following, the March 2012 Budget and the Autumn Statement announced in December 2012. It is open for technical consultation until 6 February 2013.The measures include:Changes to ...

  • Article

    MP requests review of share plan limits


    Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick has called on treasury secretary David Gauke to review the savings limits for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)-approved share plans.In a letter, Fitzpatrick asked Gauke to review the issue in light of a tabled early day motion (EDM), as well as views by the Office for ...

  • Article

    Shell wins award for international share plan


    Royal Dutch Shell has been awarded the title best employee share ownership plan worldwide at the Employee Share Ownership Centre (Esop Centre) awards.The multinational oil and gas company had previously won the award in 2010. Since then it has increased its communications and introduced a dedicated website for its share ...

  • Article

    Barclays Group adds new shares platform


    Barclays Group has introduced a new platform for the administration of its global equity and long-term incentive plans (L-tips).The banking group’s discretionary share plans, which have more than 8,500 participants, will be administered by Barclays Corporate and Employer Solutions (C&ES).Barclays C&ES has formed an agreement with administrator Solium Capital to ...

  • Ashmore

    Alternative savings vehicles are appealing to staff


    IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE, READ THIS…Corporate Isas are a more attractive savings option than pensions for younger employees.Sharesave schemes offer a ‘no-lose’ option for employees to make sure of a savings windfall in a few years’ time.Alternative savings schemes can be co-ordinated by placing them on a corporate platform.Ask ...

  • Jonathan Watts-Lay

    White paper — financial education: get the value message across


    Employees have a pressing need for financial education in the workplace.To download the white paper, click on the link above right under Related Files.White paper supplied by Wealth at Work.

  • Opinion

    Paul Waters: Rolling over share proceeds will pay off


    Taking a more integrated approach to employee share plans, corporate-sponsored pensions and individual savings accounts can result in much better savings outcomes.Sharesave plans typically have a high degree of trust with staff. Encouraging employees to use these plans is likely to be more successful than encouraging additional pension saving.If employees ...

  • Article

    EOA calls for employee ownership institute


    The review, which closed on 7 September, investigated the barriers to employee ownership.Iain Hasdell, chief executive of the Employee Ownership Association, said: “The government should also commit resources to raising awareness of employee ownership and endorse the concept, outlined in the Nuttall Review, of a new Institute for Employee Ownership.”The ...

  • Article

    J Sainsbury CEO calls for simple share plans


    Share plans should be made as simple and straightforward as possible, said Justin King, chief executive at J Sainsbury, during the keynote address at the IFS Proshare employee share plans conference on 10 October.“We have to peel away the mystery and make it as simple as possible,” he said. “The ...

  • Article

    Participation in share plans motivates staff


    Three-quarters (75%) of respondents who participate in a share plan were more motivated and committed to their employers, according to research by Loughborough University.The research, which took data from 1,500 employees in an HM Revenue and Customs- (HMRC) approved share plan, was commissioned by BT, IFS Proshare and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC).It ...

  • Article

    William Hill staff to share £3.5 million sharesave payout


    William Hill employees are to share a £3.5 million payout from the maturity of a three-year sharesave scheme.Almost 700 employees will benefit from the success of the bookmaking firm’s share price, which has grown from £1.83 in July 2009 when the scheme was launched, to a closing price of £3.13 ...

  • Article

    Employee Benefits Pensions and Workplace Savings Research 2012: Workplace Savings


    When it comes to financial planning, few people look at a single savings vehicle in isolation. Taking a holistic view of their finances can be the most effective way for people to identify the best savings tools for their short-, medium- and long-term future.Employers now have a number of workplace ...

  • Analysis

    Sharesave versus share incentive plans


    If you read nothing else, read this …Sharesave and share incentive plans (Sips) offer income tax and NI exemptions, subject to certain terms.Sharesave schemes are savings vehicles to which employees can contribute between £5 and £250 a month out of net pay, with which they can buy shares after three, ...

  • Opinion

    Peter Vassallo: Is it time to update the restrictions on sharesave schemes?


    Yes. The contribution limits on sharesave schemes have remained unchanged since the early days of the scheme. At that time, there was probably a view on how much of an employee’s income it was prudent for them to save for investment in the shares of their own employer.Unless that view ...

  • Opinion

    Malcolm Hurlston: Is it time to update the restrictions on sharesave schemes?


    Companies introduce sharesave schemes to encourage the savings habit in their employees, and to provide corporate glue around their share price. They have been around for more than 30 years, are popular and employees are comfortable with how they work.Some might say it is best not to change a winning ...

  • Opinion

    John Collison: Is it time to update the restrictions on sharesave schemes?


    Sharesave schemes were introduced by the Conservative Party in 1980, to widen share ownership, enable workers to have a stake in their company, align their interests more closely with those of their employer and, perhaps most importantly from the employee’s perspective, to provide a safe and relatively risk-free means of ...