All Research news articles – Page 37

  • Opinion

    Guest Opinion: Malcolm Higgs, director of the leadership, change and HR school and director of research, Henley Management College. Topic: Becoming an employer of choice


    The phrases “employer of choice” and “employment brand” are being increasingly used in the HR world. Are these serious and significant concepts or just new rhetoric? A look at those organisations in this year’s Sunday Times’ Top 100 Companies to Work For suggests that there is something more fundamental than ...

  • Article

    Research update - Some 16% never thanked by boss


    Over three-quarters of employees report that being thanked for their efforts at work by their employer is important or extremely important to them. Yet a survey by motivation company Maritz found that 16% of staff are never thanked by bosses. A further 16% said they are thanked once a year ...

  • Article

    Research update - DB shelf life moves into sight?


    More than 40% of employers offering defined benefit (DB) pension schemes say that they will not be able to afford to provide staff with them in five years' time. Over half the employers surveyed for the Pension Confidence Survey by Alexander Forbes Financial Services currently have schemes in place which ...

  • Article

    Research update - Compulsory retirement is a worry


    Employees believe that employers' policies to support older workers do not go far enough, according to research carried out by Norwich Union.Many employees wish to carry on working past the age of 65 years often on a part-time basis. A fifth of 25-34 year-olds polled, however, worry that employers will ...

  • Article

    Research update - Pension funds hail governance


    Some 94% of pension funds believe corporate governance in the UK has improved in the last two years. 60% of NAPF members with funds in excess of £1bn had incorporated Institutional Shareholder Committee (ISC) principles on better engagement into investment managers contracts. Over 50% said the principles made a difference ...

  • Article

    Research update - Pay/perk alignment key to M&As


    The alignment of pay and benefits following merger and acquisition activity is one of the key challenges to HR - according to research by Mercer HR Consulting. Some 26% rated harmonising pay and benefits among the toughest tasks following a merger, alongside communicating effectively with staff (39%) and people issues ...

  • Article

    Research update - Paucity of pensions in job adverts


    Less than one-in-ten employers include workplace pensions in job advertisements - according to the Trades Union Congress. The TUC’s Annual survey found that only 69 of 1,132 job ads (6.1%) placed during a two-week period in July actually mentioned a pension. This low profile of pensions in newspaper job ads ...

  • Article

    Research update - Cash-for-car options rising


    Some 70% of employers offer company car drivers a choice between a car and a cash allowance. The average annual car allowance for company bosses is £10,300, while senior managers receive an average of £8,200. For those that choose to take a car, some 40% of organisations allow staff to ...

  • Analysis

    Research update - Make allowances for the uninsured


    Thousands of drivers that opt for a cash allowance are driving without the correct insurance. Fleet management provider Arval highlights that one-in-ten drivers that take a cash allowance fail to declare that their company car is to be used for business purposes. By looking for the cheapest insurance deals, many ...

  • Article

    Research update - Staff need biscuits to get through day


    Employees are relying on biscuits to provide motivation at work. Two-thirds of staff say that they have a snack during the day to provide energy for their jobs, while 65% say a nibble helps them get through the day.For more on the United Biscuits' survey contact Alexandra Chilvers on 020 ...

  • Article

    Research update - Just 7% ready for A-Day admin


    More than half of FTSE organisations have yet to take any decisions on the benefits they will offer executives affected by A-Day. Only 7% of employers have started to implement necessary administrative changes.For a free copy of PricewaterhouseCoopers' Pensions simplified - pensions tax simplification survey contact or call 020 ...

  • Article

    Research shows face to face meetings the key to HR etiquette


    Despite IT advances, 90% of staff think that important decisions should be made face to face. While 60% of respondents thought text messages were unsuitable for the workplace, 1% of people in accountancy considered it appropriate to tell people they are being made redundant via text. For a copy of ...

  • Article

    Research news – A third of large companies with free fuel schemes stopped offering the benefit in 2004.


    The number of employers with fleets of over 500 vehicles that are providing free fuel dropped from 18% to 12%. The report also found that 51% of firms have a written fuel policy.For a copy of Arval's Fuel audit please call 0800 018 7767.

  • Article

    Flexible Benefits research supplement 2002 - Flexible benefits : the context


    Last November Employee Benefits magazine and interactive conducted research into the attitudes and practices of UK employers regarding their benefits packages. The 282 respondents represented all sectors and all sizes of organisation. The results of the research have been written up in two parts. Part one looked at the benefits ...

  • Article

    Flexible Benefits research supplement 2002 - Voluntary benefits : The popular choice


    Voluntary benefits can take flexible benefits to the extreme - allowing employers to offer benefits to suit every taste - if they want to. It's one reason why voluntary benefits can be an ideal first step towards a flexible benefit plan. By merely facilitating discounts for employees, employers can avoid ...

  • Article

    Flexible Benefits research supplement 2002 - Flexible solutions: When flex is a stretch


    When 101 Dalmatians opened at cinemas in 1996 it had a strange side-effect. Suddenly people with tiny top floor flats and full-time jobs tried to convince themselves they could care for a destructive dog that needs endless exercise and sheds hair constantly. Dog lovers rushed into something that cost much ...

  • Article

    Flexible Benefits research supplement 2002 - Results at a glance


    Most common benefits offered in flexible benefits plans [sample: 25 respondents] Season-ticket loan 68% Dental insurance 56% Home insurance 56% Long-term care insurance 48% Legal advice/counselling 44% Company cars 40% Critical illness insurance 40% Share or share option plan 40% Luncheon arrangements/vouchers 32% Group personal pension plan (GPP) 32% Additional ...

  • Article

    Fleet Management Supplement 2002 - Research: Results at a glance


    Attitudes to company cars (Sample: all respondents) Which of the following do you agree with? Cars are seen as part of the overall benefits package 75% Cars are an essential recruitment and retention tool 54% Administering the fleet is increasingly complex 33% We would get rid of company cars if ...

  • Article

    Fleet Management Supplement 2002 - Research: Employers embrace CO2 tax


    The changes to company car taxation will be the issue with the biggest impact on benefits in 2002. The move to making employees pay tax on the basis of the CO2 emissions of the car they drive, rather than on the number of miles they cover, will do for company ...

  • Article

    Fleet Management Supplement 2002 - Research: Employers embrace CO2 tax


    The changes to company car taxation will be the issue with the biggest impact on benefits in 2002. The move to making employees pay tax on the basis of the CO2 emissions of the car they drive, rather than on the number of miles they cover, will do for company ...