All articles by Peta Hodge – Page 3

  • Analysis

    How staff bonus schemes can be successful in a recession


    All-employee bonus schemes can work well in a recession, helping staff to identify with company performance and objectives, says Peta HodgeSummary:All-employee bonus schemes can help manage the pay bill in a recessionThey help staff identify with the business's overall performance and so are a useful communication toolProfit-sharing feels equable and ...

  • Analysis

    How to cut down on sickness absence


    Sickness absence can be extremely costly to an organisation and a management strategy depends on using the right benefits, says Peta HodgeThe role of employee benefits in reducing sickness absence and getting staff back to work is going through a period of reappraisal. This is illustrated by the fact that ...

  • Analysis

    Keeping staff happy when making pay cuts


    Pay cuts are rare in the UK, and any organisation thinking of trying to impose one has a legal minefield to negotiate. But the financial pill can be sweetened for employees, says Peta HodgeIf you read nothing else, read this...In principle, a pay cut cannot be imposed without staff consent.If ...

  • Analysis

    Get staff to see the true value of perks


    Executive summary As the recession bites, employers are becoming more demanding of their employee benefits packages, wanting more tangible business benefits. Benefits only work if staff value them. Good communication can dramatically boost employee satisfaction and, in turn, commitment to the organisation. Communication needs to be targeted at staff whose ...

  • Article

    Delivering a successful international benefits strategy


    An international benefits strategy requires clear objectives and a focus on common ground rather than on the differences between countries, says Peta HodgeOn paper, the idea of having an international benefits strategy, that delivers consistency to the perks offering of a multinational, seems simple. But when looking to put such ...

  • Case Studies

    Case Study: Novell


    Case Study: NovellAn organisation-wide centralisation of cost structures was behind computer software company Novell's decision to implement an international benefits strategy.Its policy aims to introduce a general framework for benefits provision rather than impose standard perks at country level. Ian Wright, director of compensation and benefits, Europe, Middle East and ...

  • Analysis

    Pay at heart of employees' choice of employer


    Pay always eclipses all other concerns when it comes to employee priorities, but well thought-out bonus schemes can really aid performance and retention, says Peta HodgeIf you are looking to recruit, you can't avoid the issue of pay. The Employee Benefits Research 2008 found that when employees were asked which ...

  • Article

    Weigh up the benefits of perks over cash salaries


    With anything up to 25% of salary being spent on benefits, FDs can often struggle to find justification, but stop to consider issues such as retention, engagement and tax incentives, the reasoning can be tipped in perks’ favour, says Peta HodgeMoney talks, and workers understand the value of cash. Employee ...

  • Article

    Denmark retains crown with pensions


    Denmark provides better pension provision than elsewhere in Europe, and it is also common for employers to offer company cars, flexible benefits schemes and long service awards, explains Peta HodgeIf something is rotten in the state of Denmark, it doesn't appear to be its employee benefits, in particular pensions provision. ...

  • Analysis

    Secure the best deals for voluntary benefits


    Whether a voluntary benefits plan is run in-house or outsourced, there are a number of tips employers can use to secure the best deals, says Peta HodgeBy its very nature, a voluntary benefits scheme that is set up and managed by an employer in-house, rather than by a third-party provider, ...