All Pensions articles – Page 109

  • London Government

    Government confirms action to cap pension charges at 0.75%


    The government has confirmed it will continue to press ahead with action to cap pension scheme charges at 0.75% from April 2015.Its draft regulation paper Better workplace pensions putting savers’ interests first has confirmed charges to invest and manage the default funds of all qualifying schemes will be capped at ...

  • LV= revamps pension communications for auto-enrolment

    LV= achieves 95% pensions take up post auto-enrolment


    LV= has achieved 95% take up of its pension schemes post auto-enrolment.Speaking in a session titled How pension reform will change workplace pension schemes at Employee Benefits Live 2014, Jamie Barnes, head of sales, retirement solutions at LV=, explained that employers have a key role to play in helping staff ...

  • Richard Higginson Towry Law 2009
    Case Studies

    Towry looks to effective providers for benefits


    Higginson has learned this the hard way, having endured a bad experience with a pensions provider handling the transition to auto-enrolment.“It told us they had this fantastic new automated computer system, but eventually confessed that somebody at its end would manually type all the data into the system,” he says.“That ...

  • Article

    70% plan to spend pension pot on holidays and travel


    Employees aged 55 to 64 plan to spend a larger amount of their retirement income in the immediate years after they retire, according to research by Investec Wealth and Investment.Its research, which surveyed 985 people aged 55 to 64, found that 70% of respondents plan to spend their retirement funds ...

  • Boodles-Jeweller-2014

    Boodles increases staff pension contributions


    EXCLUSIVE: Boodles has seen almost a quarter (22%) of its pension scheme members increase their contributions following the launch of a workplace savings platform.The platform, provided by Hargreaves Lansdown, offers staff access to a group self-invested pension plan (Sipp), a cash individual savings account (Isa), a stocks and shares Isa ...

  • SCISYS-2013
    Case Studies

    Scisys Group uses workplace savings platform to boost pensions engagement


    Scisys Group has seen 30% of its employees increase their pension contributions since the organisation launched a workplace savings platform in November 2013.The IT services developer, which employs more than 400 people, launched the platform to help boost pensions engagement among staff and to offer them a variety of saving ...

  • Pension piggy pot

    45% of men and 49% of women had no pension savings in 2010-12


    Some 45% of men and 49% of women below retirement age in Great Britain did not have any private pension savings in the period between 2010 and 2012, according to research by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).Its Characteristics of people and households without a private pension report also found ...

  • Monarch

    Monarch Airlines plans to cut pay and pension benefits


    Monarch Airlines has begun talks with trade unions and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) about cutting employees’ pay, benefits and defined benefit (DB) pension payouts.Its 3,300 employees are being asked to take pay cuts and productivity improvements of between 25% and 35%, on top of 900 job losses.The airline’s DB scheme, ...

  • Standard-Life-2014

    Standard Life to close DB pension scheme to future accrual


    Standard Life is to close its defined benefit (DB) pension scheme to future accrual and enhance the terms of its defined contribution scheme (DC) for staff from April 2016.Around 55% of Standard Life’s employees belong to its DB scheme which has been closed to new members since 2004. From April ...

  • Steve Webb

    Nest pension restrictions to be lifted in 2017


    The government has confirmed its intention to remove the annual contribution limit and transfer restrictions on the National Employment Savings Trust (Nest).The restrictions on annual contributions, which currently stand at a maximum of £4,600, and removal of the restrictions on bulk transfers will be lifted from 1 April 2017.The government ...

  • EpwinGroup-Product-2014

    Epwin Group saves £213,000 with workplace savings platform


    EXCLUSIVE: Epwin Group has saved more than £213,000 a year in fees and national insurance contributions (NICs) following the launch of its workplace savings platform.The platform, provided by Hargreaves Lansdown, includes access to a self-invested personal pension (Sipp), independent savings account and investment account.Since the building products provider launched the ...

  • Pension pot

    49% of Britons claim not to have a pension


    Nearly half (49%) of respondents say they do not have any kind of pension, according to research by the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP).Its Saving for retirement research, which surveyed 2,000 people, found that only 32% of respondents have a pension scheme offered via their employer, while 8% of ...

  • MarksandSpencer-Multichannel1-2014
    Case Studies

    Marks and Spencer goes multi-channel for flex


    Marks and Spencer (M&S) knew it was undertaking an ambitious project when it set out to launch a flexible benefits scheme to its entire workforce in 2013.Most of the retailer’s 75,000 UK employees work offline across more than 800 stores, so it had to develop a scheme that was accessible ...

  • Retirement

    Help us find out how employers are reacting to incoming pension reforms


    What do you think of the government’s pension reforms? How is your organisation preparing to adapt your strategy for when the reforms come into effect next year? Tell us in the Employee Benefits/Close Brothers Pensions research 2014, which is designed to help you benchmark your organisation’s response to and progress ...

  • Article

    Last chance to share your views on the new pension reforms


    Tell us in the Employee Benefits/Close Brothers Pensions research 2014, which is designed to help you benchmark your organisation’s response to and progress with the incoming pensions reforms.This is your chance to have your say and gain an insight into how your approach compares with that of your market peers ...

  • EmployeeBenefits-PensionsAdmin-Sept2014-620

    What is paid for in contract-based pensions administration?


    If you read nothing else, read this…In a contract-based pension scheme, administration will be performed by the plan provider.Pension administration includes collecting and allocating contributions, handling compliance and providing annual statements.Typically, an annual management charge (AMC) covers the costs of administration.The costs relating to pensions administration, and their disclosure, have ...

  • Graves-Lynn-ScottishWidows-2013

    Half of lower earners saving adequately for retirement


    Half of UK employees on lower incomes are saving enough for retirement compared to 34% in 2012, according to research by Scottish Widows.Its annual Workplace pensions report, which surveyed 5,200 employees, found that those earning between £10,000 and £30,000 a year are now saving adequately for retirement since the introduction ...

  • Thumbnail

    6% plan to take entire pension pot as cash


    Just 6% of respondents are planning to take their entire pension pot as a cash lump sum at retirement once the new pension reforms come into force next year, according to research by Fidelity Worldwide Investment.Its Class of 2015 report, which surveyed 500 employees planning to retire between April 2015 ...

  • Aitken-Will-TowersWatson-2014

    Employers expect 40% of employees to buy an annuity


    Employers predict that two-in-five (40%) of their employees will buy an annuity at retirement once the government’s pension reforms giving more flexibility at retirement come into effect next April, according to research by Towers Watson.Its research, which surveyed 92 UK employers, found that a third (33%) of respondents thought that ...

  • Ritchie-John-Ellipse-2013

    Auto-enrolment has positive impact on benefits packages


    Just over two-thirds (67%) of advisers say pensions auto-enrolment has prompted employers to think about their wider benefits offering to employees, according to research by insurer Ellipse.Its survey of 120 financial advisers also found that 66% agree that, in the long term, auto-enrolment will lead to more interst in employee ...