Opinion – Page 6

  • john lamb

    John Lamb: Assistive technology can create a better workplace for all


    Organisations with a diverse and inclusive workforce reap vast benefits in terms of access to a wider range of skills, increased staff loyalty and greater customer satisfaction.One key factor in ensuring accessibility in the workplace is the use of assistive technology to enable d6isabled people to work alongside non-disabled colleagues. ...

  • antonia bello

    Antonia Bello: Embracing benefits technology improves employee engagement


    Benefits technology has developed in leaps and bounds in recent years, and what was once a yearly paper-pushing exercise is now an exciting chance to engage with employees more frequently.At Aspen, we have been careful to craft a benefits package that is not only suitable for the business and our ...

  • dom-manley

    Dom Manley: The technology megatrends that are changing reward, benefits and engagement


    As technology continues to transform our everyday lives, as well as our working practices and environments, there is surely not a reward professional around now who does not acknowledge the need to address how technology affects the industry.While online benefits technology and new communication methods are increasingly common, there are ...

  • dan lucy

    Dan Lucy: Don’t forget about face-to-face communication


    The Institute for Employment Studies (IES) highlighted, in The drivers of employee engagement, published in March 2004, that the single most important predictor of employee engagement is a sense of feeling valued and involved, underpinned by opportunities to express ideas, and managers who genuinely listen and value employee contributions.The proliferation ...

  • Sue Daley

    Sue Daley: What has AI ever done for us?


    In a famous scene from Monty Python’s film Life of Brian, a character asks 'What have the Romans ever done for us?' leading to an extensive list of positive benefits gained from Roman occupation. It makes me wonder whether in the future we will have the same debate about artificial ...

  • Asher Primrose

    Asher Primrose: Organisational culture does not need to be office-based


    Creating a strong organisational culture is not easy with a virtual team. Employees cannot ask each other about their weekend when walking to the office kitchen or decorate each other's desks for birthdays. But at Allied Health Media, the parent organisation of online continuing education business Continued, our team is ...

  • Dr Yasin Rofcanin

    Dr Yasin Rofcanin: Keeping multi-generational employees engaged and motivated


    In a world where the war for talented employees is intense, managers have the important responsibility, and the challenging task, of keeping employees from multiple generations motivated and engaged at work.Factors such as advances in technology, increasing diversity and the growing mobility of the workforce shape how organisations should communicate ...

  • Sarah Chilton

    Sarah Chilton: How employers can put an end to sexism and harassment in the workplace


    The conversation continues at Employee Benefits Live 2018...Sexual harassment in the workplace has received a huge amount of attention over the past few months. Employers must take steps to tackle harassment, to reduce their own risk, and to instill safer working cultures in their organisations.In early 2018, the Women and ...

  • Dr Michael Koch

    Dr Michael Koch: How to communicate without damaging engagement


    A growing body of research shows that internal communication plays a key role in stimulating employee engagement. However, for communication to be an effective engagement driver, several conditions need to be met.The first concerns the quantity of communication: as a rule of thumb, the more management communicates, the better. Employees ...

  • David Enser

    David Enser: Flexibility is key to expat motivation and recognition schemes


    Expatriate motivation and recognition schemes should not be rigid, but should instead offer flexibility within a controlled framework. Managers must have a toolkit of buttons to push to ensure engagement and motivation on the one hand, while also being able to respond to the unique needs of both the individual ...

  • Tim Middleton

    Tim Middleton: Effective communications can protect employees' pensions


    Since their introduction in 2015, George Osborne’s freedom and choice reforms have allowed the public to consider a range of options for using their accrued pension savings. Commonly, this will involve transferring savings from one pension scheme to another as the original scheme does not offer the full range of ...

  • Andrew Cross

    Andrew Cross: Employers must address role of AI in the future workforce now


    We are on the cusp of an era where automated processes and machine learning will profoundly change how businesses operate.It is virtually impossible to underestimate the potential transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The ability of IT systems to process vast amounts of information, to 'think', infer meaning from ...

  • Adesuwa Ajayi

    Adesuwa Ajayi: Workplace diversity and the power of community-led platforms


    Diversity conversations are taking centre stage in and out of the workplace, but when all the panel discussions are done and employees are fed what feels like yet another advertisement it is no surprise that many still feel invisible.Amid both external and internal pressures, organisations often turn their focus to ...

  • Jo Brewis

    Jo Brewis: How to start conversations around the menopause at work


    The menopause is largely a taboo subject at work, especially compared to pregnancy and maternity. Still, our experiences of presenting on this issue suggest that many, many women, and large numbers of men, are very eager to learn more about it and to share their own stories. So, employers may ...

  • Paul Burrin

    Paul Burrin: Is AI and the human workforce a match made in heaven?


    Too often, the conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) and the human workforce is about the threat to jobs. The truth, however, is that most roles will evolve to incorporate and coexist with AI.AI has the potential to take on mundane, repetitive tasks, freeing up employees' time to focus on doing ...

  • Mark-Brill

    Mark Brill: Working smarter with artificial intelligence


    There is a lot of talk, even hype, about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will take over the world. We are understandably concerned about how this technology might disrupt work or take jobs away. Some, including the late Stephen Hawking, who spoke openly about AI in an interview with ...

  • sarah thompson

    Sarah Thompson: Employers must prepare for no grace period post GDPR implementation


    Everyone knows what is at stake regarding fines relating to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) non-compliance; up to €20 million or 4% of global annual turnover, whichever is greater, but what will really happen on 26 May 2018 if organisations are not compliant?There have been comparisons between the GDPR and ...

  • Claire-Carey

    Claire Carey: How can employers and trustees prepare for GDPR?


    On 25 May 2018, a new data protection law will come into force across Europe aimed at creating a uniform set of requirements fit for the digital age. While much of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will feel familiar, some important changes are on the way. With fines of ...

  • Nick-Hobson

    Nick Hobson: How can employers ensure a smooth transition into a post-Brexit world?


    On 23 June 2016 the UK voted to leave the European Union (EU) and the political and economic landscape changed irrevocably.Approximately 2.8 million European economic area (EEA) nationals live and work in the UK, according to a Home Office white paper published in January 2017, and the UK government has ...

  • Claire-Richardson

    Claire Richardson: 2018 is the year for HR to stand out


    With productivity firmly in the spotlight in 2018, the next 12 months is a critical time in the world of workforce management and HR. While most businesses will be keen to boost productivity and profitability, this will manifest itself in many different ways. The Workforce Institute Europe has collaborated with ...