All Opinion articles – Page 24

  • Nick Gilbey: Turning IR35 changes into an opportunity

    Nick Gilbey: Turning IR35 changes into an opportunity


    The new IR35 changes, also known as the Off-Payroll Rules, come into effect on 6 April 2021. As UK organisations struggle to maintain a flexible labour force while attempting to rebuild following the pandemic, employers that use limited contactors will now face a tax and regulatory change that has caused ...

  • Alex-Evreinoff

    Alexandra Evreinoff: A truly inclusive benefits strategy can be an effective support mechanism


    Employers already know that offering a competitive compensation package is one of the most effective ways to attract and retain talent. What’s often overlooked, however, is the opportunity to better support their workforce by ensuring their employee benefits strategy is truly inclusive.While compiling a new strategy, employers should keep relevance ...

  • Susan-Gee

    Susan Gee: Yorkshire Water has support in place for employees with long Covid


    Supporting employees with long-Covid symptoms is an emerging challenge for employers as the symptoms are varied, with some being more easily recognised than others. For example, breathlessness, fatigue and cognitive impairment appear to be common.At Yorkshire Water our approach to supporting employee health has always been person centred, and while ...

  • Shalina-Crossley-1

    Shalina Crossley: Employers need to be aware of how to support staff with long Covid


    Since the start of the pandemic, a significant minority of people have reported long-term adverse effects related to Covid-19, often referred to as long Covid. While we do not have medical clarity about its effects and duration yet, reported symptoms include fatigue, pain, headaches, breathing difficulties, muscle weakness, lasting fever, ...

  • Diane Lightfoot: Making the Government’s ‘Plan for Jobs’ work for disabled people

    Diane Lightfoot: Government support for disabled staff


    Since the start of the pandemic, the government has announced a series of funded measures aimed at supporting the long-term unemployed and young people to find work. While these measures offer vital opportunities for many people struggling to access employment and pay during this time of economic uncertainty, disabled jobseekers ...

  • Ksenia-Zheltoukhova-1

    Ksenia Zheltoukhova: 2021 could bring an opportunity to reset benefits strategies


    This is the year to carefully consider the psychology of employee benefits: having experienced fundamental shocks to their lives, people will be re-evaluating what matters to them, and how work fits in. This is an opportunity for employers to listen to their staff to understand what is of value to ...

  • Colin-Barnes-1

    Colin Barnes: Employee benefits: Adapting to the future of work, today


    There is no doubt 2020 will be a year to remember. It was fraught with difficulties and challenges, and for many bereavement. But, at the same time, the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has also brought about a seismic shift in how we operate and function as a society.It has accelerated technology ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: Farewell for now!


    It feels a little strange to say during the second week of January, but I’ve officially reached the end of my working year. This blog will be my last (for a while) as, from next week, I’ll be heading off on maternity leave.Pregnancy during a pandemic has certainly been a ...

  • Lora Murphy: Pay strategies in 2021

    Lora Murphy: Pay strategies in 2021 will be affected by uncertainty


    When people think of the year 2020, it would be plausible to state that the word ‘uncertainty’ springs to their minds. As Covid-19 (Coronavirus) spread and impacted individuals all over the world, employers and employees alike could not be sure what to expect.In response to this, the government introduced a ...

  • Charles Cotton: Factors that will impact pay strategies in 2021

    Charles Cotton: Key factors that will impact pay strategies in 2021


    There are several issuesthat will affectthe confidence and performance of organisations,and consequently pay strategies, in 2021. This will, however, varybetween industry. The most obvious issue is the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and the continuing economic fallout that many organisations are having to contend with due to restrictions. At the time of ...

  • Stephen Morrall and Hannah Solel: Improved benefits for gig workers may become the new norm

    Stephen Morrall and Hannah Solel: Improved benefits for gig workers may become the new norm


    The big players in the gig economy, such as Uber, Addison Lee, Citisprint and Pimlico Plumbers, provide a system of working for thousands of people that some think is flexible and forward-looking, but others regard as insecure and exploitative.Certainly, organisations such as these have tried their level best to argue ...

  • Tim-Middleton-2017

    Tim Middleton: Employees need to make informed decisions about their retirement


    Retirement plans for 2021 have changed for many due to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. While some have decided to put their retirement on hold due to their savings taking a hit because of Covid-19, others are deciding to retire early after being discouraged about finding employment again when faced with ...

  • Fergal Dowling: Employment cases that will shape 2021

    Fergal Dowling: Employment cases that will shape 2021


    As we work our way into 2021, there are cases which will have a big impact on employment law, and HR policies and practices over the next 12 months. Holiday pay: are the 'rules' which limit a series of deductions correct?In 2019, the Nothern Ireland (NI) Court of Appeal in ...

  • Jeremy Harris: What will 2021 bring for pensions?

    Jeremy Harris: What will 2021 bring for pensions?


    This year has seen monumental changes to employment law and employer/employee relations. For instance, we saw the introduction of the furlough scheme, completely new to employment law, which meant the government handed out billions of pounds to organisations in grants. With government support for the UK economy due to continue ...

  • Alice Meredith: Employee international travel and quarantine

    Alice Meredith: Employee international travel and quarantine


    Fluctuations in infection rates in other countries have resulted in short-notice changes to the countries included within the 'travel corridor' exemptions from quarantine requirements. How can employers minimise disruption?PracticalitiesAny employee travelling into England from a non-exempt country is required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days (unless an exempt ...

  • debbie-lovewell-tuck

    Lovewell's logic: Wishing you a safe, healthy festive season!


    Normally at this time of year, I like to write a reflective piece looking back at the year as we head in to the festive season. However, this year, I think most of us would agree that 2020 is a year best consigned to the annals of history.This time last ...

  • Joanne Moseley: Government clarifies how furlough fraud will work

    Joanne Moseley: Government clarifies how furlough fraud will work


    In October 2020, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) published a compliance factsheet which explained how it intended to recover furlough grants paid to employers which were not entitled to receive them. It advised organisations to check their calculations and repay what they owed if they wanted to avoid income tax ...

  • Kate Cooper: Recognising employees through the pandemic

    Kate Cooper: Creative ways to recognise employees’ hard work


    This year has been a difficult time for all and so will it continue to be, heading into 2021. Getting together in the same physical location is just not an option, but this should not mean that those other important messages cannot be sent. So how do we tell people ...

  • Gemma Wilson: The investigation into BBC pay discrimination

    Gemma Wilson: The investigation into BBC pay discrimination


    Following reports of a significant number of women being underpaid by the BBC, in March 2019 the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) launched an investigation into the issue.There have been a number of cases in which women who have worked for the BBC have been successful with equal pay ...

  • Robin Ford: Plugging the pension fund gap during Arcadia's collapse

    Robin Ford: Plugging the pension fund gap during the collapse of Arcadia


    Roughly 13,000 Arcadia employees are at risk of redundancy after the group has gone into administration. The financial difficulties they are facing also include concerns over a £350 million deficit in its defined benefit (DB) pension fund.There have been reports of a £350 million deficit in the group’s pension fund, ...