By Sally Duckworth, CEO, You at Work
According to research, two thirds of us break our New Year’s resolutions by the end of January.* Our intentions to get fitter or eat healthily or spend more time with family are meant well but we tend to be less good at planning and preparing to make the lifestyle change. Which means when we reach the first hurdle, we either plough on through or congratulate ourselves on what we achieved and revert to our not-very-old habits. One of those paths is easy but neither tend to end in a leaner, fitter self.
Our annual ritual of making (and then breaking) New Year’s resolutions is a fantastic opportunity to give your engagement strategy a boost by helping staff stick to their New Year’s resolutions. Benefits like Cycle to Work, gym membership, and holiday trading make it easier than ever for employees to try something new and make a lifestyle change.
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So, if your New Year’s resolution is to implement an employee benefits scheme for your staff, take a look at our 5 Steps to Implementing a Scheme. It covers the essentials including the business case, measuring ROI and a project framework, as well as other useful advice. If you’re reviewing your scheme early next year, get in touch, and we can help you with one New Year’s resolution you can keep in 2017. In the meantime, we wish you a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year from everyone here at You at Work.
The Guardian; How long do people keep their New Year resolutions?