The Metropolitan Housing Partnership has introduced a flexible benefits scheme for all employees.
The housing association launched the scheme in order to offer employees more choice and flexibility around benefits.
The scheme, which was launched in June, is provided by Lorica. Rather than providing staff with a flex allowance to spend through the scheme, the organisation enables staff to buy and sell holiday, or trade it for other benefits on offer. Other options within the scheme include health cash plans, critical illness insurance and dental perks.
Paul Davey, reward manager at Metropolitan Housing Partnership, said: “Generally, the scheme is to drive employee engagement, certainly in respect of people understanding and appreciating the benefits that are available, and providing them with a bit more choice and flexibility in what they decide to do.
“We want to give people that opportunity to tailor their package, and we obviously look to evolve. We have made a commitment; we need to build on that and get something evolved both the business and our employees can appreciate over the coming months and years.”
Read more articles on flexible benefits