
Landmark Information Group has boosted employees’ overall awareness of their health and wellbeing since introducing its genetically-guided wellness programme.

The organisation, which provides land and property search information, launched its DNAFit programme in October 2014 after teaming up with British nutrigenetics firm DNAFit Life Sciences to identify the best workout and diet plans to help individuals improve their health and wellbeing and boost weight loss.

Since its introduction more than three-quarters (80%) of the 56 Landmark employees that have been tested have reported an increase in their overall wellness.

In addition, 70% have also made changes to their diet and half have changed their exercise regime.

The DNAFit test scans up to 45 gene variants linked to a body’s capacity to cope with training and food. The tests identify if a person is best suited to endurance exercise (heavy cardio) or power exercise (weights and sprints), as well as how much recovery time is needed between training and the risk of soft tissue damage.

The DNAFit test also reveals a person’s carbohydrate and saturated fat sensitivity, lactose and gluten intolerance risk, as well as their ideal diet, detox ability, anti-oxidant needs, vitamin and micronutrient intake, and salt and caffeine sensitivity.

A staff survey also found that 60% of respondents now know why it is important to understand their genetic make-up.

Julia Lovell, HR director at Landmark, said: “The results revealed by the survey are hugely satisfying on two levels. Firstly for employees, the programme has clearly helped to educate them, with more than 60% now knowing why it’s important to understand their genetic make-up.

“This has seen them make a positive change in their behaviour towards food (68%) and exercise (43%).

“Secondly, as an employer, the wellbeing of our team is paramount and to be able to report this kind of progress in such a short period of time is a real achievement.

Increased energy, productivity and motivation levels along with reduced sickness can only positively impact our business.

“This is a fantastic starting point but it’s important that we remain on this positive trajectory and we will do so by continuing to closely monitor its progress.”