All articles by Julie Gilbert – Page 3

  • SSE
    Case Studies

    SSE provides contractors with same financial wellbeing benefits as permanent staff


    Energy provider SSE believes that all employees, whether they are employed permanently, on a fixed-term contract, or as part of its trainee programme, should have the same access to the organisation's financial wellbeing benefits package.Its 200,000 employees, which includes 500 trainees and a large number of contractors, have access to ...

  • mental wellbeing in numbers

    Mental wellbeing in numbers


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  • Horwich Farrelly
    Case Studies

    Horwich Farrelly invests in mental health strategy to support depression


    Law firm Horwich Farrelly has fully invested in its mental health strategy in a bid to destigmatise depression, anxiety and other forms of mental health in the workplace.In October 2017, the organisation trained 18 employees to become mental health first aiders. These individuals were specifically selected from different levels, age ...

  • Caroline Rook

    Caroline Rook: Employers need to identify mental health issues among employees


    Employee health and stress prevention programmes are in place in many organisations across the UK. Organisations agree that there is a clear business case for the role that wellbeing plays in job performance and overall productivity.The taboo of mental health and stress in the workplace is slowly being broken but ...

  • depression

    How to support employees with depression in the workplace


    Need to know:Signs of depression in employees are not always easy to read.Employers can help to remove the stigma of mental health issues by talking about these openly in the workplace.Employers can educate employees on how to approach a colleague with depression.Stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 40% of all ...

  • Greene King

    Greene King hosts wellbeing week for staff


    Pub retailer and brewing firm Greene King is holding a wellbeing week for employees to encourage healthy habits in its head office and depots in Bury St Edmonds and support centre in Burton.The event, which is taking place this week and was held for the first time last year, is ...

  • sarahacton1

    Sarah Acton: Should employers reward employees for healthy habits?


    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recognises the business benefits that a healthy, engaged workforce brings, which is why we invest a vast amount of energy into improving our employees' wellbeing. Who would not want to see happier employees, lower sickness absence levels, increased productivity and reduced agency ...

  • Healthy Habits

    Randall S. Peterson: Should employers reward employees for healthy habits?


    I believe employers should encourage healthy habits, but it’s very important to be careful about how it is incentivised. Rather than directly monetising healthy living or giving a certain number of extra days’ leave, it’s better to look at it from the perspective of encouraging employees to internalise their own ...

  • Healthy Habits

    Nick Court: Should employers reward employees for healthy habits?


    We know that the overall wellbeing of employees has a major impact on so many different areas of the employee experience at work, which can impact productivity, motivation, satisfaction and so much more.Employers have implemented all sorts of great benefits schemes to support their employees in having good health, from ...

  • Article

    Mental wellbeing in numbers


    Facts and figures relating to mental wellbeing50% of respondents do not feel like they can open up to their colleagues about their mental health.(Source: Peldon Rose)43% view mental health as the top current concern on their agenda(Source: Aon employee benefits)29% go in to work when suffering from a mental health ...

  • BHS

    Dominic Chappell convicted of withholding information from TPR on BHS


    Dominic Chappell, the majority shareholder of Retail Acquisitions, the organisation that bought BHS for £1, has been found guilty of failing to provide information to The Pensions Regulator (TPR) during the sale of the British retail organisation.Under section 72 of the Pensions Act 2004, Chappell was legally obliged to provide ...

  • weeki wachee springs state park

    Florida state park seeks mermaids for flexible-working roles


    Something for the weekend: Weeki Wachee Springs State Park is recruiting for mermaids to work flexible-working patterns at its location in Florida.The park, which is holding interviews and auditions on 13 January, is expecting approximately 200 would-be mermaids for the sought-after position.As well as having an unusual job title to ...

  • McDonald's

    McDonald's recommends pay increase for 115,000 UK staff


    Restaurant organisation McDonald's has recommended a pay increase for its 115,000 UK employees working across its 1,200 national franchised restaurants, effective from 22 January 2018.The new hourly rates of pay have been recommended to rise to between £5.75 and £7 an hour for crew members aged between 16 and 17, ...

  • Russia

    Russian armed forces highlights canine army’s work-life balance


    Something for the weekend: The Russian military has revealed it is not just its officers that get to enjoy work-life balance during the holiday season, as the 3,000 dogs who are employed within the army also get to enjoy some down-time during the first week of January.Russia is about to ...

  • benefits brand

    How important is a benefits brand in order to increase awareness and take-up?


    Need to know:Personalised content can highly engage employees with benefits communication.Different organisations will find different forms of communication effective.Branding consistency across all communications creates trust and familiarity.Benefits packages are evolving in line with what employees want and expect from their employers, and so reward and benefits professionals face the challenge ...

  • benefits boutique
    Case Studies

    Goodman Masson advocates regular employee benefits communications


    Goodman Masson takes great pride in its employee benefits brand and has trademarked its Benefits Boutique. It has also picked up numerous awards, including Most engaging benefits proposition at the Employee Benefits Awards 2016.Founded in 1993, the London-based recruitment agency employs 150 staff, with over 50% (85) of employees signed ...

  • Dagny-Osk-Aradottir-Pind

    Iceland passes law to make it illegal to pay men more than women


    Iceland is the first country to pass a law to make it illegal for men to be paid more than women.The legislation came in to effect on 1 January 2018, will see organisations with more than 25 employees having to obtain a government certification for their equal-pay policies. Those failing ...

  • Paul-Devoy

    31% of employees want a more flexible approach to work


    Just under one-third (31%) of employees would like to have a more flexible working environment, according to research by Investors In People (IIP).Its Exodus Survey 2018, which surveyed 1,000 UK employees, found that respondents considered it more important to have flexibility in their employment, such as working remotely, than having ...

  • UK wage growth

    UK wage growth predicted to fall in 2018


    UK employees will be set for a financial blow with real wages set to fall again in 2018, according to a Trades Union Congress (TUC) report published 29th December 2017.The TUC’s analysis of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) forecast reveals that pay growth in the UK is ...

  • funding deficit

    FTSE 100 defined benefit (DB) pension funding liabilities rise to £705 billion


    The funding liabilities for FTSE 100 defined benefit (DB) pension schemes in the UK have risen to £705 billion at the end of December 2017 from £460 billion at the end of September 2017, according to research by JLT Employee Benefits.JLT’s The FTSE 100 and their pension disclosures report, based ...