The government has launched a new £13 million pilot scheme to help people on sick leave get back to work quicker.
The Fit for Work pilot programme will test a range of back-to-work support to see what works best.
Each pilot test will be personalised and include advice on a range of services including skills, employment, health and wellbeing and vocational rehabilitation.
It will also deal with wider social support such as debt or housing advice and help to overcome disputes between employees and employers.
The pilot scheme is due to launch later this year and is part of a package of measures announced by the government in response to Dame Carol Black's review of Britain's working age population.
Lord McKenzie, the Penions Minister, said: "Now more than ever it's important to help people who are sick to stay in work so that they can support themselves and their families."
"These Fit for Work pilots will help do just that. Everyone has the right to work and we want to design a fair system which supports people so they can work when they are able."
The Department of Health and the Department for Work and Pensions have jointly called for organisations to join the pilot process.
Care Services Minister Phil Hope said: “Good health for the workforce is good for business - every employer knows that. In the current economic climate it's even more important that we cut the £100 billion cost of worklessness caused by ill health.
"These pilots will help us test different ways of helping people back to work, so we can see what really works."