The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has partnered with professional services firm KPMG to launch an online guide to auto-enrolment to help organisations deal with the impending changes in workplace pension schemes.

The CIPD has also launched a jargon buster to provide clear explanations of the terms used around pensions.

It will add new sections to its website in the coming weeks, one of which will give organisations up-to-date information on the latest legal, regulatory and compliance developments around pensions in the UK.

Another section will provide details on how organisations can put together a pension strategy that will best suit their needs, as well as an area with information on implementing pensions change.

Charles Cotton, reward adviser at the CIPD, said: “Automatic pension enrolment is the biggest shake up of workplace pensions for a generation.

“These resources will provide organisations with guidance on what they need to do, when they need to do it and how they should do it.”

Read more articles on auto-enrolment and pension reforms