All Analysis articles – Page 20

  • ROI in benefits

    Top tips for using data to showcase return on investment in a benefits strategy


    Need to know:With the range and availability of benefits increasing, and sources of data growing, employers must consider how to best harness data to showcase the value of benefits spend.Using a multi-layered approach to highlight pain points or areas of interest, and measuring data around these, will help to ensure ...

  • Puzzle

    Closing the perception gap between what staff and employers consider fair reward


    Need to know:The gap between what an employer offers and what employees consider fair reward is often the result of failing to listen to employees’ needs when planning benefits strategies.Nevertheless, often the right benefits are in place, but simply lack effective communications aligning them with employee expectations.In communicating the value ...

  • future-workplace

    Shaping benefits strategy for a future workforce


    Need to know:Both the nature of work and the demographics of the workforce are changing, so a benefits strategy must be fit for future purpose in order to attract and retain talent.Generational differences are causing diverse wants and needs to emerge, which must be taken into account. However, some strategies, ...

  • Wallet

    How can employers support the unseen issues in financial wellbeing?


    Need to know: A wide range of financial issues that many employees struggle with often go unnoticed at work. Employers must find a way to tackle the taboo of discussing financial issues among their workforce if they are to understand the needs of employees. Employee surveys and constant ...

  • shutterstock_102952706

    Cash or cupcakes: Is money the best motivator?


    Need to know:Research often shows financial rewards are top of the list, but younger employees increasingly look for something more meaningful and experiential.Financial drivers can be highly effective if they are proportional, fair and well communicated.Perks can more easily be related back to specific behaviours and employer values, whereas cash ...

  • Analysis

    Infographic: Motivation in practice


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  • Eggs

    How to guide employees through a pensions consolidation process


    Need to know:As individuals increasingly hold multiple jobs throughout their working lives, they may be at risk of missing out on retirement income if previous pension pots are forgotten.Consolidation can give employees a full overview of their retirement savings in one place, and may offer lower charges and better tools ...

  • exclusive

    When does diversity and inclusion become exclusive?


    Need to know:Alternative and flexible approaches to work often breed resentment among those who feel they are not available to them, as well as excluding users from progression.Networks and groups can create an important space for support and conversation, but risk ignoring intersectionality and cordoning off parts of an organisation.Public ...

  • workplace mental health

    Working on wellness: Mental health in numbers


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  • MHFA

    Is mental health first aid becoming a tick-box exercise?


    Need to know:Mental health first aid training is becoming increasingly popular, but there is a danger that it is incorrectly seen as a quick fix to a serious problem.Employers should examine the end goals, and ask questions about how and why they are implementing the programme, to ensure they do ...

  • shutterstock_240441667

    How can workplace recognition impact employee mental health and wellbeing?


    Need to know:In addition to boosting productivity and engagement, reward and recognition can be a key element of supporting mental wellbeing, making employees feel valued and supported, and reducing stress.Top-down and face-to-face recognition has added weight and authority, but peer-to-peer thanks can develop social cohesion, while digital platforms can ensure ...

  • Mic

    How can high-profile figures create a culture of openness around mental wellbeing?


    Need to know:High-profile figures can create a public and wide-reaching forum for discussion of a topic that is still hindered by harmful stereotypes and taboos, such as mental health.Employers enlisting, for example, sports personalities to help instigate discussion can also draw parallels with topics such as teamwork, resilience, wellness and ...

  • shutterstock_17575363

    Pensions investment: Ensuring default strategy is fit for purpose


    Need to know:Trust-based pension funds are obliged to re-examine their default funds at least every three years.Default funds are typically mixed-asset funds, because they must suit all of the three options members can take at retirement: annuity purchase, cash and income drawdown.If the scheme’s default fund is deemed no longer ...

  • festive trends

    Festive trends: The new year in numbers


    !function(e,i,n,s){var t="InfogramEmbeds",d=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];if(window[t]&&window[t].initialized)window[t].process&&window[t].process();else if(!e.getElementById(n)){var o=e.createElement("script");o.async=1,,o.src="",d.parentNode.insertBefore(o,d)}}(document,0,"infogram-async");Read more...New year’s resolutions: How to ensure a strong start to 2020Karen Thomson: Fostering diversity and inclusion in the year ahead

  • strong start to 2020

    New year's resolutions: How to ensure a strong start to 2020


    Need to know:Following the festive period, organisations should help staff make positive behavioural changes, while also focusing on their own strategies for the year ahead.Savings and discounts in the run-up to Christmas will help start 2020 on a more stable footing, while January is a good time to introduce conversations ...

  • 2020 benefits strategy

    Key dates to incorporate into 2020 benefits strategy


    Need to know:There are many awareness days that can be used as a framework for benefits strategy. Rather than choosing dates to focus on, though, employers should determine the important values for the business first.April 2020 will see key legislative changes that employers should also consider and prepare for.Some dates ...

  • positioning pensions

    Enhanced engagement: Positioning pensions within an employee value proposition


    Need to know:Pension scheme positioning does not just enhance the employee value proposition (EVP) at the point of recruitment, but should be a factor in the entire employment life cycle.For a pension scheme to attract and retain talent, its contributions need to be more generous than the minimum set by ...

  • change-tracks

    Are employers entering a new era of pay strategies?


    Need to know:Where workplace loans and savings vehicles help to reduce high-interest lending, flexible paydays and wage streaming can aid employees with their day-to-day finances.Concerns about increased frivolous spending should be heeded, but if implemented correctly, alternative pay strategies can, in fact, help promote positive behaviours.Employers should be wary of ...

  • global-employees

    How are employers using voluntary benefits to support employees around the globe?


    Need to know:In some markets, such as the UK, voluntary benefits are ubiquitous, while in others they are only just emerging as a resource for attracting and retaining talent.Health and wellbeing is a key area of focus across the globe, and voluntary schemes can be used to supplement local state ...

  • green-travel

    Top tips for implementing a green travel strategy


    Need to know:There are numerous options for employers looking to promote green travel, some of which may already be in place, such as cycle-to-work schemes.Organisations should use data to gauge the extent of the issue, as well as map and measure success.Gamification, competition, and effective communications can all ensure employees ...