Analysis – Page 2

  • benefits

    Infographic: What benefits do employees want around the world?


    An infographic showing how much of an organisation's reward budget is being allocated to which benefit offering (Source: Willis Towers Watson's Global benefits attitudes survey, January 2016).Read more in: How to construct a market-leading global benefits strategy

  • benefits

    How to construct a market-leading global benefits strategy


    Need to know:A global benefits strategy will usually consist of a set of over-riding reward philosophies that are applied differently in different countries.A benefits strategy should be designed with clear objectives in mind, including how it aligns with the employer’s business strategy.Some benefits, such as share plans or fitness initiatives, ...

  • Global wellbeing 2016

    What is included in a global wellbeing strategy?


    Need to know:Wellbeing is still in its infancy on a global basis, compared to the focus it has among UK employers.Obesity and mental wellbeing are some of the key issues that employers are concerned about.Supporting global employees should ideally be done on a local level, but a basic provision of ...

  • Global Crisis

    Infographic: What is employers' policy for travellers in an emergency?


    An infographic about employers' policies for travellers in an emergency. (Source: Forum for Expatriate Management's Policy in practice 2015: business travellers report, published in February 2015).Read more about how to support a global workforce during times of crisis.

  • Global Crisis

    How to support a global workforce during times of crisis


    Need to know:Travel insurance and international private medical insurance may offer support in the event of a terrorist attack but some schemes may exclude terrorism.An employee assistance programme can be a valuable resource, especially in the aftermath of a crisis.Specialist security and crisis management advice may be offered by insurers ...

  • Evraz-share plans-2016

    How to offer a share scheme internationally


    Need to know:Any employer looking to roll out a share scheme internationally will need to conduct a thorough analysis and overview of the legal and tax regulations of the country it is looking to expand into.Some countries may have a more advanced savings culture than others or different economic ...

  • 37_Jan_16

    Infographic: What global wellness programmes do employers commonly provide?


    An infographic on commonly provided global wellness programmes. (Source: Aon Hewitt 2016 Global medical trend rates, November 2015).Read more about how to address local healthcare needs across a global workforce.

  • GlobalHealth 430

    How to address local healthcare needs across a global workforce


    Need to know:Local differences including state healthcare provision, insurance regulations and culture will affect how a global health and wellbeing strategy is applied in different countries.As well as improving employee health, global wellbeing challenges can encourage greater teamwork and underline the organisation’s commitment to its workforce.Language differences and regional events ...

  • EB_011115_040.pdf

    How is the management of global reward changing?


    If you read nothing else, read this…Employers are increasingly establishing governance teams and appointing global benefits brokers to work with their benefits teams.Growth in technology, especially smartphones, has boosted the communication of global benefits programmes, but this can still be a challenge.Employees are looking for more benefits that improve their ...

  • Analysis

    41 - Aetna industry insight: Take care of employees’ health when expanding abroad


    It’s fair to say that the world is truly now a global marketplace. British organisations are not only well placed to take advantage of a ‘borderless’ Europe but doors are open around the world for those able to step through them. Organisations taking advantage of commercial opportunities abroad face a ...

  • Analysis

    41 - Aetna industry insight: Take care of employees’ health when expanding abroad


    It’s fair to say that the world is truly now a global marketplace. British organisations are not only well placed to take advantage of a ‘borderless’ Europe but doors are open around the world for those able to step through them. Organisations taking advantage of commercial opportunities abroad face a ...

  • International private medical insurance

    New trends in international private medical insurance


    If you read nothing else, read this… Many employers have traditionally accepted the relatively high cost of international private medical insurance (IPMI).The performance of unnecessary medical procedures is helping to maintain high IPMI costs in some countries.But employers can help to reduce costs by dictating the hospitals in which their ...

  • Crisis management

    What to consider when setting up a crisis management strategy


    If you read nothing else, read this….Think location when drawing up emergency response plans. Getting an employee out of a war-torn African republic will require a very different approach to bringing them home from Europe.Ensure an employee assistance programme (EAP) has global capabilities. A UK EAP may be able to ...

  • Aker solutions

    How to align international benefits with business objectives


    If you read nothing else read this…Aligning an international benefits strategy with global business objectives can improve efficiency, administration and bring economies of scale.Carrying out regular country-by-country audits is a good idea, but many employers fail to do so.It may be helpful to bring in a consultancy with international experience.International ...

  • Analysis

    Safeguarding expatriate health is key


    If you read nothing else, read this…An expatriate health and wellbeing strategy must accommodate every family member.The most likely cause of expat staff ill-health is a pre-existing condition.Air pollution, infectious diseases, altitude, humidity and temperature all contribute to local environmental health issues.For example, the winners of PruHealth and Mercer’s Healthiest ...

  • Diagram showing how alignment of global benefits leads to flexibility

    How to use employee benefits to underpin a global expansion programme


    If you read nothing else, read this… Employee benefits can help employers recruit, retain and incentivise staff in new countries.A well-planned strategy is key to a consistent benefits offering across multiple locations. Deciding which benefits to offer global staff can be a challenge.Organisations can use employee benefits to help recruit ...

  • Stats showing the type of benefits offered to staff situated outside the UK

    How to maximise global benefits scheme efficiencies


    If you read nothing else, read this…Global employers must consider costs in the context of employees’ locations. The design of a benefits scheme can help to contain costs.Multinational pooling can save an employer money on insured benefits.One of the key challenges for global employers is the specific healthcare needs of ...

  • Hackett-Stephen-AonHewitt-2013

    Stephen Hackett: Health management and wellness: tackling a growing global issue


    A combination of factors means health insurance benefits are under increasing financial pressure globally. The cost of health insurance is rising by 3-5% above gross domestic product (GDP) in most countries in the world.This puts increasing pressure on employers that provide health insurance as part of their benefits offering. So ...

  • EmployeeBenefits-ExpatPMI-2014
  • Which global mobility services do respondents outsource?

    Which global mobility services do respondents outsource?


    Source: Managing the global mobility function 2013 , published by the Forum for Expatriate Management in September 2013