All articles by Alison Coleman – Page 9

  • Article

    Buyer's guide to discounted travel passes (November 2009)


    Getting to work more cheaply is a valuable perk for cash-strapped employees, says Alison ColemanIn tough economic times, employees welcome benefits that deliver cash savings, such as discounted travel passes which enable them to make significant savings on the cost of travelling to work.Under government legislation, employers can offer discounted ...

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    Buyer's guide to electronic voucher cards (October 2009)


    The versatility of electronic voucher cards is helping their popularity overtake paper vouchers, says Alison ColemanTrends in benefits may come and go, but gift and motivation vouchers remain a favourite among employers and staff, particularly in the current economic climate, when they can be used to help workers’ money go ...

  • Analysis

    Flexible benefits can save costs and motivate staff in a downturn


    Flexible benefits come into their own in times of economic struggle, as they can save costs and motivate staff, but employers should concentrate on quality rather than quantity, says Alison ColemanIf you read nothing else, read this...Flexible benefits plans need monitored and managed objectives, irrespective of the economic conditions. This ...

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    Buyer's guide to pensions modellers (May 2009)


    Modelling tools can spark interest in pension plans by forecasting staff income in retirement, says Alison ColemanOne of the most valuable benefits that employers can offer staff is an occupational pension scheme, yet because of ignorance or apathy, many employees fail to grasp its value.Pensions modelling tools, which carry out ...

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    Healthcare schemes for expats in emerging markets


    Employers must ensure healthcare cover for expats in emerging markets is adequate, says Alison ColemanThe global economic downturn has not deterred organisations from sending employees overseas, increasingly into new and uncharted territories.The number of employees on international assignments has risen by almost 90% over the past three years, according to ...

  • Case Studies

    Case Study: RAF Benevolent Fund tackles workplace stress


    The Royal Air Force (RAF) Benevolent Fund introduced several initiatives to help deal with stress among its 140-strong workforce as part of a wide-ranging benefits overhaul two years ago.This included the introduction of an employee assistance programme (EAP), which includes a stress counselling service alongside other perks.Richard Wheatley, head of ...

  • Analysis

    Dealing with stress and mental health problems in the workplace


    Stress and mental health issues can be difficult to spot and deal with, so a strategy is required says Alison ColemanGiven the current climate of economic gloom, with fears over job cuts, a housing slump and rising living costs, it is hardly surprising if stress and anxiety levels among staff ...

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    Case Study : Liverpool Victoria


    Insurance company Liverpool Victoria has undergone major changes over the last two years, with the appointment of a new chief executive, numerous acquisitions, and the transferal back in-house of several previously outsourced services. Last year, it also introduced a new technology-driven flexible benefits system for its 2,800 employees.Karen Gabriel, HR ...

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    Choosing the right flexible benefits system


    As the technology behind flexible benefits systems continues to evolve, there are a number of features employers should look for, says Alison ColemanSimply offering a flexible benefits scheme no longer provides employers with a guarantee of attracting top candidates to an organisation, or persuading them to stay. Despite the economic ...

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    Buyer's Guide: Stress Counselling


    Offering stress counselling to staff can help to tackle issues before they escalate, says Alison ColemanA healthy and motivated workforce is usually a productive one, so when situations arise in which employees are affected by stress it is in employers' interests to provide the help and support they need to ...

  • Analysis

    Tailor flex to aid recruitment


    Flexible benefits packages are a tool that helps recruit as well as retain staff, but it's the way that they are structured that can give employers the edge, argues Alison ColemanWhen it comes to staff retention, flexible benefits schemes that allow employees to choose their own perks up to a ...

  • Article

    Buyer's guide to emergency childcare


    Employer-funded childcare has become an increasingly popular and valued benefit for working parents. Employees' childcare arrangements, however, can fall apart suddenly and without warning, for example, if a childminder or nanny is taken sick, or the child is too ill to attend nursery.Employers can help by offering back-up emergency childcare ...

  • Analysis

    Benefits in Vietnam


    Vietnam is being swept along by the tide of economic growth in the Far East, and employee benefits are playing an increasingly important role in the development of its workforce, says Alison ColemanLike many of its neighbours in the Far East, Vietnam is experiencing an economic boom, fuelled largely by ...

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    A network of support for working parents and carers


    In the war for talent, employers must carefully consider the way in which they support working parents and carers, who often represent a significant proportion of the workforce. The ageing population means this could become even more of an issue, as increasing numbers of employees find themselves caring for both ...

  • Analysis

    Buyer’s guide to childcare


    Of the four main options employers have when providing childcare for staff, vouchers and emergency childcare have seen the strongest growth in the past year, says Alison ColemanFlexibility is often said to be the key to an engaged workforce, so it is perhaps not surprising that the more flexible childcare ...

  • Analysis

    Make flexible working a success


    Employers should assess flexible working carefully to balance possible returns with managing potential risks and staff expectations, says Alison ColemanThe ability to work flexibly can be highly attractive to staff, as many face increasing demands on their time. Although the scope of employees eligible to request flexible working increased last ...

  • Analysis

    Benefits in New Zealand


    New Zealand operates a pensions system with auto-enrolment and compulsion similar to that planned in the UK, while lifestyle perks aiding work-life balance are also commonplace, says Alison ColemanDespite the differences in climate, accent and lifestyle, New Zealand and the UK may have more in common than most people think, ...

  • Analysis

    Providing on-site nursey facilities


    Providing an on-site nursery can ease employees' concerns about their child's welfare, although this can come with a hefty price tag, says Alison ColemanFor many working parents with young children, on-site nursery facilities at their workplace are considered a luxury. Being close to their children throughout the working day may ...

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    Expat risk and the right healthcare cover can be challenging


    Assessing expatriate risk and identifying the right private healthcare cover to provide for employees creates major challenges for employers, says Alison ColemanIn today's global economy, employers are increasingly competing for the best people to look after their growing international business activities. Inevitably, this involves deploying key personnel overseas, often in ...

  • Analysis

    Benefits on a budget


    Targeted voluntary benefits and versatile perks like gift vouchers help in the thrift stakes, says Alison ColemanIn the war for talent, an attractive package of employee benefits is almost a necessity. But not all employers, especially those with a limited budget, feel they can justify investment in sophisticated high-tech flexible ...