Flexible benefits provider Vebnet, has formed an exclusive international partnership with Watson Wyatt, and will provide on demand, its flex software to the consultancy's Asia-based clients.

Watson Wyatt currently covers 14 markets in Asia, and Vebnet already has plans to launch at least six flex plans to clients of the consultant during 2008.

Gerry O'Neill, chief executive officer at Vebnet, said: "This is a deal with Watson Wyatt, covering 14 markets in Asia. Effectively they will sell our technology and bundle it with the services that they currently provide."

Vebnet also plans to run workshops for Watson Wyatt clients that take on a flex scheme, and is also considering opening an office in Asia depending on the success of the partnership.

"Watson Wyatt will find and manage the client, we will provide the flex technology, and we will implement the technology for the client. We will also look to transfer an office to Asia," added O'Neill.

The first flexible benefits scheme that is set to go live this year is targeted for a third quarter launch.