The UK has risen from 18th to 14th place in the European earnings league table over the last year, according to research by the Federation of European Employers (Fedee).

Its latest review of pay, Pay in Europe 2012, which covers 47 European countries and territories, found that the median gross hourly salaries range from a high of 195.84 krone (€26.34) in Denmark to 16.91 leu (€1.10) in Moldova.

Robin Chater, secretary-general of the Federation of European Employers, said: “Pay rises in many eastern European countries continue to outstrip price inflation and also pay increases in most western European countries.

“However, pay levels are originating from such a low base that it will be at least 10 years before pay levels in countries such as Croatia and the Czech Republic reach parity with middle-order western European countries such as Italy and Austria.”

Read more articles on international pay levels