Finger painting hands-2016-SFTW

Something for the weekend…

Japanese aluminium foil producer, Toyo Aluminium, has turned to artistic means to stimulate its executives' creative thinking.

During a conference for 20 of the organisation’s executives, including its president Hiroshi Yamamoto, the group was given large sheets of paper, split into small teams and asked to paint their vision for the organisation’s growth using just pastels and their fingers.

For instance, Yamamoto drew a red diagonal line across pools of colours including blue, purple and orange, signalling his intent to lead the business upwards.

Masao Imasu, chairman of Toyo Aluminium, introduced the initiative to spark inspiration for new growth drivers and to hone people management skills. He was prompted to do so following slow organisational growth, which has declined by 17% over the last five years.

Imasu said: “We need to increase our ability to think strategically about where we want to take our business in this environment.

“Drawing helps to awaken and sharpen our senses.”

The Employee Benefits team is wondering how many other workplace team building and engagement initiatives can inspire such artistic creativity…