HR professionals from some of the UK's leading organisations will explain how they motivate employees at the Total Motivation Show 2006. The show is being run for the first time alongside the Employee Benefits Exhibition and Conference 2006. Both are being held on 3-4 October at the Business Design Centre, London. Speakers over the two days are drawn from an array of organisations including Virgin Mobile, EasyJet and Travis Perkins Group.

On day one, Mike Davies, a director of performance improvement at motivation provider BI, will explain how non-cash rewards can enable employers to gain greater levels of engagement from staff in the session titled 'Cash versus kind: Are benefits really linked to productivity?' Davies said: "Participants will almost always choose cash or the nearest cash alternative when given the choice. But [studies show] that what encourages people to work harder or change behaviour is not cash. "Potentially these rewards might be travel, merchandise, experiences or team-based activities, or learning and career advancement opportunities. Those are the things that actually motivate people." Delegates can also learn how to best handle their workforce's rising stars in the session 'Managing talent to ensure a successful organisation', given by Tor Farquhar, group HR director at Alfred McAlpine.

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