The You Company has developed a wellness system for workplace use with support from medical professionals.

Key to Life is a tailored system for organisations, which employees can use to monitor and record their own wellness through an online assessment.

It provides results in the form of a traffic light system – green is within normal limits, red signposts the user towards their GP if appropriate and amber directs the user to Key to Life’s advisory content so they can take control of their own wellbeing and perhaps make some lifestyle changes.

The system has been designed to help keep employees well, rather than looking to diagnose a disease, and detects early warning signs of likely ill-health including cardiovascular disease, obesity, undiagnosed diabetes and a number of other conditions. These are some of the most common causes of ill-health in Europe.

It assesses the wellbeing of the user with five quick, non-invasive biometric tests, then monitors and records results which are specific to the individual, looking at trends in wellbeing and providing advice where needed.

Founder of the You company, Hossain Rezaei, said: “We have made Key to Life available for all businesses which can offer it to employees on its own, or as part of a health and wellbeing offering. The employee will benefit from being able to confidentially monitor and track their own wellness, with a system personalised to them, taking appropriate action if necessary to keep in good health, and the employer will benefit from a healthier, motivated team, reduced absenteeism and increased efficiency and profitability.”