The Money Charity is the UK’s financial capability charity. We believe that being on top of your money means you are more in control of your life, your finances and your debts, reducing stress and hardship, and that being on top of your money increases your wellbeing, helps you achieve your goals and live a happier more positive life as a result. Our vision is for everyone to be on top of their money as a part of everyday life. We empower people across the UK to build the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours to make the most of their money throughout their lives.
We have a number of workplace and community options available to support people on their financial wellbeing journey. All our workshops/webinars are independent and delivered by our team of financial capability consultants throughout the UK. Attendees will never be offered financial products or services during or after our workshops. We also provide consultancy services to support organisations with developing financial wellbeing content for their own wellbeing hubs, developing bespoke workshops and activities, or reviewing existing programmes or written information to ensure accessibility and ease of understanding.
By choosing The Money Charity as your financial wellbeing provider, you will not only be delivering your employees, members or service users a high-quality learning experience but you also enable us to deliver our work in the community including financial wellbeing programmes for vulnerable groups and young people. Please get in touch with us to find out more.