Tax & Legislation opinion – Page 2

  • Flexible working challenging climate

    Rena Magdani: How does flexibility help with recruitment and retention in a challenging climate?


    With recruitment difficulties set to continue, businesses need to attract applicants and retain staff as best they can. Embracing flexible working could make a business more attractive in a difficult climate. Flexible working is one element employers can control in terms of the talent pool; the time to act is ...

  • mental wellbeing employee

    Andy Williams and Chelsea Feeney: Looking after employees’ mental wellbeing at work


    The turbulence of the last four years has caused an increase in mental health issues. This has translated into employers seeing rising numbers of employee absences due to poor mental health. This is why it is more important than ever for employers to not only recognise when an employee is ...

  • Samantha Dickinson

    Samantha Dickinson: How to build and support a healthy workforce


    Stress is an inevitable part of life. In the workplace it can build resilience, pushing individuals to adapt and perform under pressure, which leads to personal growth. However, when stress becomes overwhelming it leads to decreased productivity, burnout and debilitating health problems. Recognising and managing employee stress levels is crucial ...

  • spring budget pensions

    Beth Brown and Danyal Enver: What did the Spring Budget mean for pensions?


    The Spring Budget built on the Mansion House speech in many ways. The Chancellor announced powers that would be given to both the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and The Pensions Regulator (TPR) in legislation slated for as early as 2027, enabling them to enforce the value for money regime.The new ...

  • parental and carers' leave

    Julian Outen: Tips on parental and carers' leave law for employers


    As of 6 April, draft regulations extend further the current right of employees on maternity, adoption and shared parental leave who are at risk of redundancy, to be offered suitable available employment in preference to other employees who are also at risk, but not on such leave.The protection will apply ...

  • return to the workplace

    Claire Brook: Can employers require employees to return to the workplace?


    Over the past few months, various businesses have shifted their stance on flexible working to require employees to return to the workplace. But, following four years of homeworking for many triggered by the Covid-19 lockdown, what are the types of things employers must consider when enacting changes like this?Employees should ...

  • AnnieGreenNickHurley

    Nick Hurley and Annie Green: The impact of dropping the real living wage pledge


    Earlier this year, Brewdog announced that due to trading losses and financial instability, it will drop its real living wage pledge from April onwards. While many employers will have suffered similar financial difficulties as a result of the cost-of-living crisis, the business’ decision to pull out of the real living ...

  • pension salary sacrifice schemes

    Nick Bustin: What are the benefits of pension salary sacrifice schemes?


    Pension salary sacrifice schemes are not a new concept, but one that all employers should consider, especially at a time where the tax burden on both employers and employees is high. These schemes, which see employees sacrifice some of their monthly salary in return for increased employer pension contributions, are ...

  • shared parental leave SPL

    Rachel Webb Wiles: How to manage shared parental leave


    We have all heard of shared parental leave (SPL), but should employers be encouraging employees to take it or is it just a headache for the business?SPL was designed to address the gender imbalance in care giving and to give parents more choice and flexibility in their child’s first year. ...

  • Sarah Tahamtani menopause

    Sarah Tahamtani: Advice on menopause as a potential disability


    Over the years, menopause has often been stigmatised and seen as a taboo both in and out of the workplace, leading to many women facing discrimination. This group represents a significant proportion of the workforce and attention needs to be paid. While there has been progress, more can still be ...

  • Carers employment

    Ben Gorner: New protections for primary carers in employment


    April marks both World Parkinson's Day (11 April) and Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week (22-28 April), two conditions that over time will often require those suffering to receive significant care. It may well be that those caring for affected people are family members also in employment, so how can employers ensure ...

  • neurodiversity

    Melanie Morton: Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024: How to support employees


    Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024 this year takes place on 18-24 March. Neurodiversity refers to the natural range of differences in human brain function. We all think, move, process information and communicate in different ways. Many people use neurodiversity as an all-encompassing term used to describe alternative thinking styles such as ...

  • menopause in the workplace

    Sally Hulston: EHRC guidance on menopause in the workplace


    The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has published new guidance on menopause in the workplace and set out employers’ legal obligations. The guidance reasserts the fact that women experiencing menopausal symptoms, particularly in severe cases, have certain protections under the Equality Act 2010.While the menopause is not itself a ...

  • Musab Hemsi baby loss

    Musab Hemsi: When it comes to baby loss, employers should not forget about fathers


    As progressive workplaces move towards a more open and supportive culture, the impact of baby loss, whether through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death, is becoming more widely talked about. However, employer support is often focused on mothers, with less consideration given to the fact fathers are suffering too. As men ...

  • undergoing IVF treatment

    Hannah Mugleston: Rights and support for employees undergoing IVF treatment


    Pregnant women have a legal right to paid time off from the workplace to attend antenatal appointments. MP Nickie Aiken is campaigning for the same rights to be extended to those undergoing IVF treatment. Her private members bill regarding this will have its second reading in March 2024.Aiken is also ...

  • national insurance contributions

    Lee McIntyre-Hamilton: Changes to national insurance and the impact on employment


    The new year has already brought some welcome news for employees, with the cut in employee national insurance contributions (NICs) from 12% to 10%. As of 6 January 2024, the cut means that all employees who currently pay NIC will benefit.The extent of the savings will depend on an employee’s ...

  • Kerry Hudson flexible working

    Kerry Hudson: Change in flexible-working arrangements for 2024


    Employees will have more rights to ask for flexible-working arrangements under new legislation coming in this year.Workers with 26 weeks of employment can ask for flexibility on how, where and when they work. Where employers previously did not need to consult with workers before giving their decision, they will now ...

  • fertility employer

    Sarah Bogues: How to become a fertility-friendly employer


    Employers play a critical role in the fertility journey of their employees. When employers get it right, the loyalty they can cultivate among their staff is immense. As the Fertility Treatment (Employment Rights) Bill makes its way through Parliament, it is an opportune time for employers to reassess their approach ...

  • mental health stigma

    Helen Burgess: How to help break mental health stigma in the workplace


    Time to Talk Day (1 February 2024) is an annual awareness day that focuses on starting conversations about mental health. The workplace can be fertile ground to get conversations started around mental health to help break the stigma and support employees who may be struggling.On the legal side, an employee ...

  • Nabila Mallick menstrual

    Nabila Mallick: Employers must take menstrual health in the workplace seriously


    While there is no specific protection in law, there are various provisions that indirectly protect women from discrimination or harassment relating to periods and the menstrual cycle. These include protections from disability discrimination where women have diagnosed medical conditions related to menstruation and protections against sexual harassment, such as where ...